Happy Half Term! Enjoy your break and see you back on 25th February 2025.
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Parent Council Agenda and Meeting video of 14.1.25

Dear Parents/Carers, 
Here is the agenda and meeting video link for this half term's Parent Council meeting that took place on Tuesday 14.1.25.  If you have any further questions please talk with your rep.
Kind regards,
Mrs Curtis

Agenda for Parent Council Meeting 14.1.2025


Members Present:

Nursery 1 – Holly (Robin's mum)

Nursery 2 – Rosie (Oscar's mum)

Year 1 - Gemma (Emily's mum)

Year 2 - Sam (Ollie's mum)

Year 3 – Anna (Isla's mum)

Year 4 – Bethan (Jamie’s mum)

Year 5 - Claire (Issy's mum)

Year 6 - Claire (Beau’s mum)


Reception - Hannah (Luca's mum)


Mrs Curtis started by sharing:

  1. The updated Equity and Belonging Statement and the revised Aims for all children of Ash Grange. This will be share with parents in the next week.
  2. Workshop information that has been sent out to parents


Agenda Items

Nursery 1 – No items raised by parents

Nursery 2 – No items raised by parents

Reception Class

  1. Is there was any update with the catering situation and what the situation might be going forward? The parents are enjoying the potato option being back on the menu (as are their children) and the wider variety of options (a little less BBQ!) 

Year 1

  1. Gymnastics Clubs
  2. Staff numbers in Funzone

Year 2 - No items raised by parents

Year 3

  1. Term dates 25-26: follow this link to Surrey website
  2. Trips for Year 3 this year
  3. Monday morning staffing


Year 4

  1. Teacher time keeping at start and end of the day

Year 5

  1. Catering

Year 6

  1. Rocksteady
  2. Drop off and pick up Y6 opportunities
  3. Communications


Next meeting 4th March 2025 9.30 am Online

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