Friday, May 3rd: Year 5 Assembly
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Tribal Tales

WOW week- Gods and Mortals


On Tuesday we began to learning about our new topic 'Gods and Mortals'. Starting with the story of 'Theseus and the Minotaur' we used our drama skills to retell the story in an exciting way. We enjoyed performing ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’ in groups to help us to learn the story in preparation for our writing. 


We have also enjoyed coming up with questions for the God 'Zeus'. We were very lucky to have been sent a video from Zeus himself, telling us all about his life and how he became a God. 

On Friday we held our own Olympic Games. We took part in lots of activities and won points for our house teams! The children made their own medals based on their favourite sport. 


It has been a fantastic first week and we are really looking forward to what this school year will bring!

Ancient Greek Pottery



Throughout the term. we have been learning about Ancient Greek pottery and how they were used. We used lots of differen sources and our sketching skills to design the shape of a Greek pot. On Wednesday we manipulated clay and to create coils. The coils were stacked up onto each other and smoothed out to create the shape of our pot. After a lot of concentration (and messy hands) we were able to turn our 2-D sketches into 3-D pots. 


Once the pots have all dried, we will be using painting techniques to add out own Ancient Greek story.

Project Homework


It has been amazing to see the creativity in our project homework this week. From creations of mythical creatures to fact files, we have seen some fantastic pieces.

Harvest Assembly

What a great way to end our first half term in Year 3. The children worked so hard to present the whole school and parents with information about why Harvest is important. Thank you to everyone for your generous donations of food and money. I am sure these are greatly appreciated. 

Harvest Samba - Harvest Assembly 2023

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Project Homework


What brilliant pieces of art we have seen this term! We have learnt a lot about different Street Art styles and it is great to see this in our project homework this week. We had a go at using different fonts, stencils and even spray paint! Well done to everyone for all their hard work this half term. 

WOW Week - Predator!

This week, we began to learning about our new topic 'Predator'. Throughout this half term, the children will have a go at building their own predator using a pneumatic system. We explored different pneumatic systems before designing our predator.  

In Science this half term, we are going to learn about how the skeleton helps animals and humans. We enjoyed putting Brian the skeleton back together after falling off the swing at the park. The children competed with each other to have a go at putting the bones in the right place. 

Our trip to the Natural History Museum

All of the class thoroughly enjoyed our trip the Natural History Museum to learn more about our topic 'Predator'. We explored a range of exhibitions from dinosaurs to creepy crawlies and some of us even explored the mammals. The children learnt lots of interesting facts whilst visiting. Ask them to tell you something that they learnt. 

Project Homework

What an amazing collection of project homework we have had in this half term. Looks like we have been very creative and have learnt new facts along the way. Can you spot your creation below?

WOW week - Tribal Tales


On Monday we began to learn about our new topic 'Tribal Tales'. Starting with the story of 'The Cave Baby'. We were able to use this story to get a better understanding of what life was like in the Stone Age. We used to i-Pads to find out more interesting facts in preparation for our writing. 


In science, we completed an experiment to find out about the properties of different types of rocks. We tested to see if they were permeable/impermeable, durable, hard/soft and to discuss their density. We have also enjoyed creating our own sandpaper and using our fingers to create Stone Age inspired cave drawings.

Music - Toots

Since September, the children have been working hard to learn how to play different notes on the toot. We have been practicing the movement between notes to play alongside a piece of music. Listen to our amazing song!

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