Happy Summer Holidays! πŸŽ‰ Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
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Subsidising School Meals

Dear Parents/Carers,
Our Governing Body has agreed to continue subsidizing meals for families who pay for a meal for the Autumn and Spring terms of the next school year.  It will continue to cost £1 per meal. We  know that this support makes a huge difference to families and are so glad to be able to continue to do this. It will be reviewed in March 2024 when we receive our next year's budget from the government, to see if we can afford to continue with it.
YR to Y2 will continue to receive a free meal from the government universal meal offer.
Kind regards,
Mrs Curtis


Parent and Child Lunches

These are held termly see the Calendar for dates then book a place.

Lunch Arrangements

For children attending school or all day in our Nursery classes, there is a choice of hot meal or sandwich options, a dessert and drink.  Children in Reception to Year 6 are able to order in class on the day during morning registration. Additionally parents can order and pay online on Scopay one day in advance.

Parents of children in Nursery 1 and Nursery 2 will need to order and pay online on Scopay one day in advance.


All Reception and Key Stage 1 aged children (Year 1 and Year 2) are provided with a universal free school meal from the government.

If you believe your child is entitled to Free School Meals and Pupil Premium due to economic circumstances then please see the link below.


Years 3 to 6 can have a meal at a subsidized cost of £1 per meal.


Details of which menu week is in use can be found on the school calendar and on the Lunch Menu page.

Packed lunch

Provision is made for children who bring packed lunches to school.

A packed lunch needs to be:

  • A balanced healthy meal -
    • Part 1 - Meal e.g. sandwiches, wraps, rice based, pasta based 
    • Part 2 - Sweet part - fruit, yogurt, cake, cereal bar, etc..
    • Additional items - fruit and veg
    • Drink - not sugar based or carbonated
  • Crisps/crackers etc... optional
  • No chocolate bars, packets of biscuits or sweets
  • No nut products are allowed to keep safe those with a nut allergy.


Children staying for packed lunch should have a labelled container for their balanced meal and drink. Uneaten food is returned home so parents can monitor what is being eaten.   


Here is a great link for lunchbox ideas


For those parents who wish to take their child home for lunch, collection is at 12 noon and return to school at 12.55pm, so that the child is in time for afternoon lessons. 

Scopay School Shop