Week Beginning 16th September:16th September, 09:00 - 09:30 Meet the teacher and find out what the children will be learning this year. 16th September, Year 3 - Year 6 Clubs Start. 16th September, Year 6 Assembly 09:00 - 09:30.
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Sharing your views

We believe in partnership and together the children, staff, parents and community enable children to achieve their potential. 


Please take the time to share all you value and appreciate as well as ideas for improvements, it is important that we know what we do well and areas for development.  If you have any issues please raise it quickly so action can be taken quickly to resolve matters.  If matters can not be resolved then please follow the details of the Complaints Policy contained in the Policies page of the Information Section of the website.


Your views matter to us and there are many different ways to share them:


  1. Headteacher meetings, book an appointment through the office.
  2. Catch the Classteacher at the end of the school day (mornings tend to be too busy for anything more than a quick  conversation).
  3. Book an appointment with a member of staff through the office/website 
  4. Pop a view in the Suggestions Box that is in the entrance to the school.
  5. Complete the annual questionnaire.
  6. Go online to share your views on Ofsted's ParentView.
  7. Pass on a matter at the parent/child progress meetings.
  8. Pass on your views to your class rep or directly with Mrs Curtis for the next Parent Council term's meeting.
  9. Catch Mrs Curtis, Mrs Rumsby or Mrs Mohammad on the playground or in their offices.

Parental Survey Feedback 2023

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