Week Beginning 27th January: 27th January - Reception NCMP and Health Screening. 31st January - Year 2 Assembly
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Collective Worship (Assemblies) and RE (Religious Education)

Collective Worship

All maintained schools in England must provide a daily act of collective worship. Each day the children experience a daily act of collective worship (in their own class or together in the hall). This is an opportunity to develop the children’s sense of self, others and spirituality. The basis of this is Christian but it also takes on board knowledge of world faiths, folklore and atheistic views, especially festivals, celebrations and the roles and responsibilities of citizens. It is hoped that no parent will feel it necessary to exercise their right to withdraw their child from these communal times of learning. If this is requested through a written application, children go to an alternative classroom with a different learning activity. Please contact the Headteacher if you wish to make alternative arrangements.

Class assemblies are performed on a rota with each class leading assembly termly (YR have one per year). Parents are welcome to attend these assemblies and must be seated by 9.00am, to allow for a prompt start so that all can enjoy the assembly.  You are welcome to bring younger siblings who will be able to enjoy and let the performing children be heard.



Religious Education gives children and young people in our school a unique opportunity to reflect on and learn from the faiths and beliefs of those around them. The content is agreed by the faith leaders and organisations that are part of Surrey and this is formed into an Agreed Syllabus which is the curriculum content for RE; this is updated every 4 years to ensure it reflects the current diversity of Surrey.   As a school we then select from the units available, some are compulsory and some are optional; our optional choices reflect the curriculum and learning opportunities we want the children to have to develop a deeper knowledge of faith and themes.  Here is the link to the full Surrey Agreed syllabus document:


Children have a weekly lesson which explores the content but never practices the faith.  We use experts, trips and a wide range of resources to build understanding and knowledge.

Each year of school life the children build their RE knowledge about a faith or theme, the certificates below specify the core learning of each unit in each year.  There is a symbol and colour for each theme and religion to show how these build over the years.  The number after the title of the unit indicates how many times the children have learnt about this religion or theme beforehand so that learning always builds on the previous knowledge gained.

In Early Years the themes are about Specialness.  From Years 1 to 6 the knowledge broadens to the faiths of the community Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism plus wider themes that are about all people.  Key RE concepts circle the inside of each certificate so that the children develop their conceptual knowledge over the years.

We arrange trips to places of worship or special places for children to see objects and religious articles in context, the children are observers and do not undertake any religious activities.  

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