Week Beginning 27th January: 27th January - Reception NCMP and Health Screening. 31st January - Year 2 Assembly
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The governing body of Ash Grange is a committed and dedicated group of volunteers.  We come from all walks of life and backgrounds to represent

the parents, staff and local community. Our priority is the education and well-being of the children, staff and local community.  


The three core functions of a governing body are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent


Governing Body Members:

Chair: Ms Kirstie Jones (23.2.2022 - 22.2.2026)

Vice-Chair: Mr Mark Reynolds (18.11.2022-17.11.2026)


Parent Governors:

Mrs Lynsey Mutton (3.12.2021 - 01.12.2025)

Ms Kirstie Jones (23.2.2022 - 22.2.2026)

Ms Holly Cannell (26.9.2023-25.9.2027)


Co-opted Governors:

Miss Carla Morson (12.12.2023 -  11.12.2027)

Mr Matthew Collins (16.7.2024-15.7.2028)

Mr Duncan Ritchie (17.12.24-16.12.28)


Governor nominated by the LA and appointed by the GB:

Mr Mark Reynolds (18.11.2022-17.11.2026)


Staff Governors:

Mrs Marie Curtis (Headteacher)

Mrs Rose Bell (17.12.24-16.12.28)


Clerk to the Governing Body:

GVO Clerk -


    Full Governing Body meetings are open for visitors of the school to observe, dates are below and in the calendar of this website. Please inform the Clerk to Governors if you would like to attend a meeting (email:

    Autumn Term 17.12.24

    Spring Term 01.4.25

    Summer Term 15.7.25


    The public minutes of meetings are contained below.  Please contact the school if you would like a paper copy.

    Declaration of Interests and Attendance Register

    In addition to the Full Governing Body there are three subcommittees with specific areas of responsibility who meet regularly.


    FGBLearning and ProgressFinances and StaffingPastoral and Well-Being

    Chair: Kirstie Jones







    Chair: Carla Morson


    Marie Curtis

    Kirstie Jones

    Lynsey Mutton

    Holly Cannell

    Rose Bell


    Chair: Lynsey Mutton


    Marie Curtis

    Lynsey Mutton

    Mark Reynolds

    Matthew Collins

    Duncan Ritchie


    Chair: Holly Cannell


    Marie Curtis

    Mark Reynolds

    Carla Morson

    Rose Bell 

    Duncan Ritchie

    Matthew Collins

    Vision, Ethos and

    Strategic Direction






    SEN, EAL, PP Groups

    Vulnerable Groups




    Staffing - including MHWB







    Health and Safety

    MHWB of Children



    Governors policies can be found here on the Governor’s Virtual Office (GVO).

    Scopay School Shop