Happy Summer Holidays! πŸŽ‰ Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
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Parent Council

Class Reps:

Each class has a parent representative who sits on the Parent Council. Their role is to raise class issues and work with the Council to find solutions, gather ideas and bring about overall school improvement. The Class Rep is the link between the parents of the class and will share news of events and galvanise support for events and trips. Mrs Curtis directly invites parents on to the Council and chairs each termly meeting.  


Thank you to the following parents who volunteered to stand for 2023-24 academic year.  If you have any great ideas of how to make our School even better pass them on to your class rep (click on the class name to email) or come and share them with Mrs Curtis.  


  • Nursery 1 – Vacancy, please let Mrs Curtis know if you are interested in undertaking this role.
  • Nursery 2 – Hannah (Luca's mum)
  • Reception - Gemma (Emily's mum)
  • Year 1 -  Sam (Ollie's mum)
  • Year 2 - Anna (Isla's mum) 
  • Year 3 – Bethan (Jamie’s mum)
  • Year 4 – Vacancy, please let Mrs Curtis know if you are interested in undertaking this role.
  • Year 5 - Claire (Beau’s mum);
  • Year 6 - Dominique (Ada's mum), Tanya (Zoe's mum)


Date of next meeting: Online, 9.30am 11th June 2024


Previous Meetings

Parent Council Meeting 23.4.24 (recording of the meeting is here)

Members Present:



Nursery 1 – no rep in place at this time

Year 4 – no rep in place at this time


Nursery 2

  1. @⁨Hannah⁩ can you find out about school trip prices and those of us who did pay the £30 originally if we will get refunded the £15.
  2. *Please ask why the email today was £11 something for the trip, but Scopay still says £15? thanks. 
  3. *Are the Council able to do anything about the alleyway next to the school (dog poo, nettles etc) it's getting impossible to walk down safely. 

Year 5

  1. Oakwood photos
  2. PE days

Year 6

  1. Alleyway
  2. Timings of parents meetings

Year 2

Music Lessons



No issues


Mrs Curtis raised the matter of Charity support, Eco Shop and Repurposed


  1. Oakwood
  2. Photos
  3. PE days

Year 6

  1. Alleyway
  2. Timings of parents meetings

Year 2

Music Lessons


No matters to raise

Mrs Curtis

Raised maters of:

Charity support,

Paint Run Fundraiser that had been proposed by members

Eco Shop

Repurposed  Uniform.


There is a full recording of the meeting here if you would like to find out more about the items discussed.

Scopay School Shop