Week Beginning 3rd March: 4th March - Year 6 Trip to Victorian Museum. 4th March - Parent Council Meeting, 6th March - World Book Day. 6th March - Parent Lunch.
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Anti-Bullying Survey Feedback – February 2022

Thank you to everyone who completed our anti-bullying survey, we have had very positive feedback!  Here are some of the quotes I wanted to capture and some information to parent/carers.

Mrs Cox - PSHE Subject Leader


Teachers and adults make my child feel safe in school and nursery by…

  • “Offering reassurance of a familiar adult when feeling uncertain.  A safe and happy place to be with routine.”
  • “My child has never felt scared at school, he loves school and this is a reflection of the teachers, they make him feel safe and secure.”
  • “Looking out for their welfare and being a strong, assertive leader in their life.”
  • “Being approachable and friendly, while making expectations and consequences clear.”
  • “Listening to my concerns and taking appropriate steps to resolve the issues raised.”
  • “ Providing a friendly and trustworthy atmosphere where the kids feel they can speak up if they have a problem.”


Children at Ash Grange are made to feel safe by being listened to by all staff, a safe learning environment, a safe and supervised outside play area, clear expectations and consequences, support from their Year 6 School Councillor and the values of Ash Grange – We Care, We Learn, We Shine.


If I feel that my child is being bullied in nursery/school I can address it by…

  • “Understanding the situation with my child and sharing the information with her teacher.”
  • “Speaking directly to her teacher or other members of the school to understand their assessment of the situation and come up with a resolution together.”
  • “Talking to any member of staff and would feel comfortable knowing I/my child was listened to.”
  • “Talking to the teachers/head teacher.”


If you feel that you child is being bullied please speak to your Class Teacher/Mrs Rumsby/Mrs Curtis, they will discuss your concerns and take appropriate action to resolve any issues.

The children and staff of Ash Grange created an Anti Bullying Charter for our school in a child friendly version. 


The different type of bullying on our Anti Bullying Charter are as follows:

  • Being Picked on

  • On Purpose

  • All of the time

  • Physical/Mental/Verbal

  • Online (Cyber bullying)


When my child does well in Nursery/School they are praised through…

  • “Staff and myself telling them how proud we are of them.”
  • “Stickers, marvellous me, certificates, assemblies/star of the week.”
  • “Verbal praise, stickers, certificates, receiving incentives such as books for reding and attendance bracelets.  I especially love the Marvellous Me app that keeps us updated when she had done something great.”
  • “Certificates, recognizing achievement in assembly, having Mrs Curtis/Mrs Rumsby know and mention their achievements casually on the playground and in general interactions.  They feel the wider staff know and value them.


Children at Ash Grange are praised verbally by all staff and children through: Superstar Stickers, Medals, Trophies, Certificates, Star of the Week, Nominated on the Kindness Tree, Class Dojos, prizes for each certificates and MarvellousMe notifications to parents/carers.


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