Week Beginning 16th September:16th September, 09:00 - 09:30 Meet the teacher and find out what the children will be learning this year. 16th September, Year 3 - Year 6 Clubs Start. 16th September, Year 6 Assembly 09:00 - 09:30.
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Special Educational Needs

At Ash Grange all children, regardless of their particular needs, are provided with inclusive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school and feel that they are a valuable member of the wider school community.


Find out more more about our provision, including admission arrangements, identification of need and how children and families are supported below:


  • Equality Policy - This is what we do for all children
  • SEND Policy - tells you the policy relating to children with Special Educational Needs 
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Report contains details of our access arrangements and provision for children with SEN
  • Universal provision for quality first teaching is what we do for all children 
  • Wave 2 provision - This is guidance about how we support and address gaps in children's learning so that they can rapidly catch up to the national expectations for their age
  • Wave 3 provision - This is guidance about how we support and address learning needs that require specialist longer term interventions. 
  • The Governors have undertaken an accessibility plan audit with a external provider which informs annual premises changes and developments according to agreed priorities.

To book a meeting with the Inclusion Lead, Mrs Ali Rumsby, please email:


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