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PE and Sports Premium Funding

The PE and Sports Premium Funding is provided by the Government to help primary schools improve the provision of physical education and sport offered to pupils. Funding for Ash Grange is calculated by the number of primary aged pupils (between 5 and 11). From 2017, all schools with 17 or more primary aged pupils received a lump sum of £17,935.

Our dedicated teacher of P.E, Mr. Barnett leads our P.E curriculum, which currently includes:

  1. 2x PE lessons a week (swimming is part of this in the autumn and summer terms).
  2. Extracurricular Sports Clubs which provide a chance to develop the skills of the more able athletes.
  3. Physical Dexterity SEN groups.
  4. Nursery and Reception PE and swimming lessons to build gross and fine motor control and water confidence.
  5. Fixture set up and management of competitive sport opportunities.


The Sports Premium funding has allowed Mr. Barnett to attend CPD courses to enhance his knowledge and skills in various activities. These have included dance, handball, physical dexterity, and swimming.  The PE and Sports Premium funding has also been allocated to improving the schools’ sports equipment and facilities.  


Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety. By the end of Year 6:



What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters?



What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke, and breaststroke]?



What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?



Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and sport premium to provide additional provision for swimming, but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?



In academic year 22-23 the school received approximately £17,935, which was fully spent and the school topped this funding up to provide the following:





New Intentions for Academic Year 2023-24


To ensure that Ash Grange pupils undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school (across the week)



  • 2 PE lessons per week (including one swimming lesson in Term 1 and 3)
  • A broad range of extra-curricular sport clubs that children can sign up or trial for
  • Regular opportunities for selected pupils to compete against other schools in sporting competitions
  • Inter-house sports competitions such as Sports Day
  • Daily breaktime sports challenges led by house captains
  • Specialist sports initiatives such as walk (or bike) school week. 
  • Horseshoe Lake water sports trip.
  • Invited specialist coaches into school to deliver masterclass sessions.
  • Weekly SEN physical dexterity sessions for targeted pupils



  • A broad and varied range of opportunities for children in all age groups to reach the 30-minute per day physical activity target
  • The opportunity for children to develop their skills in a range of sports and physical activities
  • Children have greater access to competitive sport.
  • Children have greater opportunity/access to try different/new sports.
  • Children with SEND have barriers removed to learning.


  • Embed existing and search for new sports initiatives
  • Introduce new inter-house competitions in school
  • Invite new specialist coaches
  • Introduce children to profiles of famous sports people.
  • Provide engaging opportunities for the least active group to increase participation in physical activity.


To raise the profile of Physical Education, School Sports, and Physical Activity as a tool for whole school improvement





  • Invited specialist coaches to deliver masterclass sessions
  • Increased participation in District Sports competitions
  • Regularly celebrating the success of pupils in school assemblies
  • Organising sports clubs, special initiatives, and inter-house events



  • Pupils have greater knowledge and experience of different types of sports and physical activities available to them
  • Pupils have a greater understanding of careers relating to sport
  • Children have enhanced their skills through learning from specialist coaches  


  • Create further opportunities for inter-house and inter-school competitive experiences
  • Invite new guest speakers and specialist coaches for targeted sports (hockey, tennis, athletics and rounders).
  • Award STA swimming badges and certificates to celebrate swimming achievement.
  • Introduce a Sports Awards assembly
  • Created a Gifted and Talented bursary fund.


To increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff involved in teaching PE and Sport





  • Mr. Barnett hold weekly meetings with the LA’s involved in delivering PE and swimming lessons.
  • Mr. Barnett attended training to lead physical dexterity interventions for children with SEND.
  • Mr. Barnett to deliver regular staff inset CPD training.



  • Enhanced subject knowledge and resources for delivering curriculum dance lessons
  • Enhanced PE and swimming subject knowledge for LA’s
  • Creation of an action plan for the improvement of PE and Sport provision at Ash Grange


  • Embed actions from the Outstanding Subject Leadership course.


To provide a broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils


Increase participation in Competitive Sport





  • Delivery of a broad and balanced PE and swimming curriculum that includes opportunities for competition
  • Extension of the extra-curricular sports programme to include opportunities to experience football; netball; cross-country, athletics, tag-rugby, rounders, cricket, gymnastics, dance, and multi-sports club.
  • Inter-house and inter-school competitions
  • Breaktime sports challenges
  • Specialist sports initiatives such as walk (or bike) school week.
  • Horseshoe Lake water sports trip and Oakwood residential trip
  • Invited specialist coaches into school to deliver masterclass sessions (in dance, rugby, and cricket)
  • SEN physical dexterity sessions for targeted pupils



  • The opportunity for children to develop their skills in a range of sports and physical activities
  • Giving students a greater awareness of the range of sporting opportunities on offer to them outside of school 
  • Giving students the confidence in their ability to pursue and participate in these sports
  • A noticeable development of personal qualities such as confidence, communication skills and resilience through participating in competitive sport


  • Maintain an ‘Ash Schools Sports Network’ to increase opportunities for inter-school sports competitions for a greater number of pupils
  • Embed existing and search for new sports initiatives.
  • Introduce opportunities to experience new/different sports aimed at the disadvantaged group.
  • Embed new inter-house competitions in school
  • Invite new specialist coaches
  • Introduce Fitbit challenge weekly across Year R - 6.
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