Week Beginning 27th January: 27th January - Reception NCMP and Health Screening. 31st January - Year 2 Assembly
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English as an additional language (EAL)

At Ash Grange we recognise the uniqueness of every child based on their skills, attitudes, needs and life experiences. We value our rich multi-cultural school and we embrace the opportunities that this provides for all our children. We recognise that not all children arrive at school fluent in English and aware of all the different cultural aspects of British life. Our role is to develop children’s knowledge and skills so that they (EAL) can communicate well and live in harmony with one another.


PRACTICE - Liaison with Parents/Carers

Upon entry to school, all parents/carers are invited to discuss their child’s prior education to provide an accurate profile of their child. If necessary, a translator will be sought. Class teachers will liaise with the parents/carers of newly arrived children with EAL to ascertain prior experience of English and first language competence. Newsletters and other written materials will take account of whether the family understand communications in English. Parents/carers are informed through progress report meetings and informal meetings of progress and any issues of concern. Parents/carers will be supported through workshops, 1:1 meeting, reading materials and coffee mornings.


Identifying Needs

The teacher will monitor the child’s language competence in English through involvement in ordinary lessons. SLT members will support staff to identify resources and strategies to help the learner. If required, we will make a referral to the EAL support service if a fuller assessment or translations are needed. Work will be differentiated appropriately. Support will be given to enable the child to reach their potential.

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