Happy Half Term! 🍂 Enjoy your break! See you back on Monday, 4th November.
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School Day

School Day:

  • Nursery 1/Nursery 2  9am-12noon/12 noon-3pm 
  • Reception to Year 2: 8.45am -3.15pm
  • Year 3 to 6: 8.45am -3.20pm



  • 10.30-10.45am – All classes
    • (YR have breaktime during their morning activities in the autumn term)
  • 12.00-1.00pm Lunch and playtime

There is no set afternoon play, breaks are taken as classes require.

Arrival and departure of children

All children remain the responsibility of their parents/ carers until they are handed over to the staff of Ash Grange School during opening hours. Children must be collected promptly at the end of a session/day by a known responsible adult. Parents need to collect children at the correct times, if they fail to do so the child will be put into after school care which may be charged for.


  • Nursery 1 children leave through the office side ( sliding) door and Nursery 2 children leave through their play area; parents wait by their respective classes.
  • Reception, Year 1 and 2 children leave their class at 3.15pm.
  • Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to 6 Children) leave their class at 3.20pm, as this creates a small gap for parents to collect from different locations and to reduce the congestion at exit points.


On departure all children must be handed to their parents/ carers by a member of staff. Children are collected at the class exit doors and will remain with the teacher until the parent collects them. Once they have left the staff presence they are the responsibility of the parents.


If staff consider that an adult collecting a child is unfit to care for that child, they will not release the child to the adult’s care. This will be explained to the collector and an alternative will be sought from the next of kin list. On registration at the School, parents/ carers are expected to provide a list of people who will be responsible for collecting a child. Any unfamiliar collector needs to be introduced to the class teams, if this is not possible then the adult collecting will need to state the safe word that the parents have informed to the class teams of prior to the collection. 


Parents of children in Year 6 may give written permission for their child to walk home on their own in the summer term of Year 6.

Key stages

Early Years Foundation Stage = Nursery 1, Nursery 2 and Reception Class

Key Stage 1 = Year 1 and 2

Key Stage 2 = Year 3 to 6


Each child from Year R-6 has a locker for their belongings. Lunchboxes, kits, bags, coats, etc… are stored in them at the owner’s risk.

Pencil Cases

Children can bring in a pencil case for use at school. Tippex is not allowed. Writing pens must be blue or black ink, please avoid biros as they have a tendency to leak. School awarded fountain pens are not permitted to go home so they are ready for the next lesson.   Items bought into school are the responsibility of the child and not the school who accept no responsibility for them.

Scopay School Shop