Happy Half Term! Enjoy your break and see you back on 25th February 2025.
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How We Learn

Through a creative curriculum (Cornerstones) the children learn about the world and their place in it, with opportunities to develop passions and interests. 

We provide opportunities for every child to achieve their potential, ensuring all have embedded the key life skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening and maths; when they leave primary school.

Based on the Early Learning Goals and National Curriculum for Primary Schools learning is enriched through special events, visits and visitors, utilising the vast premises and local areas.

We believe passionately in educating the “whole child,” broadening children’s interests, and developing skills so that they can excel, love learning, and make ambitious choices for their lifelong learning future.

The British Values underpin our provision and are part of all learning and experiences:

  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum from Nursery to the end of Reception Year, then the children move on the National Curriculum for the rest of their primary school years (Year 1 to Year 6).  We have invested in the Cornerstones Curriculum, which supplies the teachers with exciting interactive projects that stimulate the children to learn the facts and apply all the skills of the national curriculum. 



This is a specialised curriculum for 0-5 year olds. Providing learning opportunities that will fully develop the individual child: intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally and morally. The basis of the teaching is through child centred learning at children’s needs and challenge levels. Nursery and Reception Year children are taught the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. The Prime Areas of Learning and Development are: Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Communication and Language; and Physical Development. The Specific Areas of Learning and Development are: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design. Each child has a learning journey that is recorded and shared with parents over the year; parents are invited to record in it any milestones that their children make at home.



Building upon the Foundation Stage, children then work according to the programmes of study specified in the National Curriculum. The National Curriculum subjects are: Art and Design; Computing; Design Technology; English; Foreign Language (French); Geography; History; Mathematics; Music; PE; Personal, Social and Health Education; Religious Education and Science.


Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning, it is used to identify strengths and next steps so staff are able to create learning opportunities that ensure each child reaches their individual potential. Informal and formal assessments are carried out towards the end of every term, parents are informed about their child’s progress and achievement through the termly report which is shared at parent/teacher meetings. Formal government assessments are undertaken in Reception, Year 1, 2 and 6; see the calendar for details of when this happens.


Children work towards certificates (in reading, writing, maths, computing, times tables and swimming), which track progress and show next steps. If a child achieves a certificate, it is given in a celebration assembly and a copy is sent home for parents to know what their child has achieved and how you can help them at home to achieve the next one. Every time a child achieves a certificate, they receive a prize and add a subject icon to their star point in the entrance to the school, so keep an eye on how well your child is doing.

Trips and Events

Our curriculum is enriched with trips, visits and visitors.   These activities bring the learning to life and help children apply all they have learnt in the classroom.  Each year there are local visits and further afield.


June 2023


Dear Parents/Carers,


As you know the Governing Body made the exceptional decision to fully subsidise all school trips in the school year 2022-23 as a support to families.  In the school year 2023-24 trip costs will come back to parents.  To support parents, we will cap all trips to £15 max with school subsidising any shortfall; if it costs less than £15 then you pay for the cost - we are never allowed to make a profit on any school trip.  Currently an average coach is £600, which is the main cost of a trip.


All school trips are valuable extensions of learning and need parental support to take place, without the voluntary contributions of parents we will not be able to offer them.   To support families managing the average cost of the 2 trips, £30 per year we are setting up a Trip pot on Scopay that you can add money to at any time in readiness for the trips.


For any optional non curriculum related trips like Horseshoe Lake, Residential trips, the full cost will be required from parents.

If you have any questions, please contact me to discuss matters,


Kind regards,

Mrs Curtis


Scopay School Shop