Week Beginning 27th January: 27th January - Reception NCMP and Health Screening. 31st January - Year 2 Assembly
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We love Gardening at Ash Grange and encourage children from Nursery to Year 6 to get involved.  There are special roles for Year 6 as Head Gardeners and there is a club for all ages.  


Our amazing grounds include:

  • A wild area at the end of our field with long grass for the children and animals to enjoy.
  • An orchard with loads of fruit trees and bushes
  • Raised beds for fruit and vegetables
  • Composters
  • A nature area full of different habitats for animals to enjoy
  • A sensory garden for the children to enjoy when playing
  • Fruit and flower bushes throughout the grounds
  • Hedging corridors
  • Leaf pit
  • Log piles
  • Ponds
  • Planters
  • Water conservation


Out children grew plants from seed at home and at school, this year we grew loads of new flowers, fruit and vegetables, including potatoes and sweetcorn. We take part in competitions like Guildford in Bloom and take trips to local places to learn more and see other gardens.


If you are a keen or willing gardener and want to join in with our ventures, please get in touch.



Harvesting our crops grown from seed!

Our Gardening Diary 2022-23


September 2022 - Our Veggie Boxes were made and then delivered - we have 4 new veggie boxes to grow our vegetables.


March 2023 - Our potatoes were chitting - let's hope for lots of potatoes


March 2023 - over the Easter holidays the gardeners started their seeds off at home - Zoe brought back her Morning Glory and sleepy sweetcorns.


New term new gardening club - lots of people have joined.


April 2023 - The potatoes were ready and so were planted in the new potatoe tubs


Summer Term - Lots of planting of seeds to bring our veggie beds to life. Watering, weeding and caring for them all summer long


September - Harvest Time - look at our fantastic potatoes, sweetcorn and carrots. We took them to the kitchen ready to be turned into lunch! Yum Yum. 


Time for cutting back, preparing the soil and gathering more fruit - yummy raspberries.

Building a Throne and Table for Royal Events

Scopay School Shop