Week Beginning 27th January: 27th January - Reception NCMP and Health Screening. 31st January - Year 2 Assembly
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Young Carers Policy and Practice

What is a Young Carer?

A young carer as a person aged 5-18, living in Surrey, who provides practical or emotional care for a member of their family with a long-term illness, physical disability or learning difficulty, mental ill health or substance or alcohol dependency.  Children can be a short term or long term carer. 

Upon admission to Ash Grange parents/carers identify if/not that their child is a Young Carer and this is updated throughout their lifetime at Ash Grange.


How are Young Carers supported at Ash Grange?

  • Day by day pastoral support from the class teacher or learning assistant
  • Focused monitoring to ensure your child is not falling behind with their learning due to the additional responsibilities that they have on a regular basis
  • Pastoral support: small group support with our school counsellor Gill Jardine or ELSA Mrs Anderson.  Once a half term your child will meet with other young carers of a similar age to relax and support one another, sharing their own needs as a young carer,
  • 1:1 sessions for times of challenge or crisis
  • Opportunity to take part in experiences offered to the school for vulnerable children
  • Respite support offers of Holiday clubs as offered locally and within their terms and conditions
  • Access to Surrey Young Carer events and opportunities e.g. Fun Days
  • Children, staff and parents/carers can make a referral to our ELSA/School Counsellor for support
  • Annual age appropriate assembly to raise awareness, understanding and provide opportunity to talk about Young Carers
  • PSHE lessons throughout each year provide lessons on being a Young Carer
  • All staff are trained to identify, champion and know how to refer children for short and long term support 


How do I let the school know my child is a Young Carer?

Share this information at admission, or when the family needs change, either in the short or long term.


What additional support is available outside of school?

Action for carers website has so much support available in person and online

You can make a referral to Surrey Young Carers there too.



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