Our motto is that "We Care, We Learn, We Shine"
To do this we foster the development of the whole child, their academic, emotional, spiritual, social, moral and cultural development. We live in a rich multi-cultural society, through opportunities and experiences the children's development is nurtured so that they can develop respect, appreciation and tolerance of others. The British Values as defined by the Government of: Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of other faiths and beliefs, Democracy and Rule of Law are taught explicitly and are threaded through day to day learning.
At Ash Grange we create learning opportunities that stimulate and challenge, which enable each child to achieve their potential.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum from Nursery 1 to the end of Reception Year, then the children move on the National Curriculum for the rest of their primary school years (Year 1 to Year 6).
We have invested in the Cornerstones Curriculum, which supplies the teachers with exciting interactive projects that stimulate the children to learn the facts and apply all the skills of the national curriculum.
Each half term the children study one project. The teaching staff assess each child's current ability and then plan differentiated learning for them to achieve their potential and make good rates of progress. You can find out all about what the children are learning by going to the year group page.
Each project has four different stages:
Each project has a list of Homework ideas, which are sent out and published on the website at the start of the half term. Please help your child make at least one contribution over the project.