Week Beginning 27th January: 27th January - Reception NCMP and Health Screening. 31st January - Year 2 Assembly
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Ash Grange Primary School was inspected in February 2020 and we are delighted that the school has retained it's "good" status and there was so much to celebrate.  All of the areas identified were part of our own self-evaluation and are within our school development plan.


We have highlighted a number of areas from the report below: 


What is it like to attend this school?

  • This is a school that celebrates the successes of all pupils. The school’s values of ‘we care, we learn, we shine’ are at the heart of all the school does. Pupils feel safe and valued because the staff team are ambitious and dedicated to doing their very best for all the pupils.
  • Leaders have worked tirelessly to create a strong sense of community that includes all pupils, parents and staff. Parents know that the school will do all it can to help pupils and their families to succeed.
  • Pupils are proud of the responsibilities they are given as they progress through the school. They feel listened to and play a significant role in the running of the school. Pupils take on a variety of leadership roles. For example, the head gardeners in Year 6 are responsible for maintaining the nature area and ensuring that the school site is tidy and well looked after.
  • Pupils are polite and friendly to each other. Teachers set clear expectations for behaviour and pupils rise to these. Pupils say that bullying is rare and that teachers always help them resolve any problems they have.


What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
  • Leaders are ambitious for all pupils to do well. The curriculum for English and mathematics is well planned and sequenced. Teachers use their good subject knowledge to provide clear explanations and address misconceptions that pupils may have. As a result, pupils achieve well in English and mathematics.
  • Leaders have ensured that the teaching of reading is given a high priority. Phonics is taught systematically to help pupils learn new sounds. Children practise new sounds through reading books that match these sounds. The majority of pupils develop a love of reading because their teachers read them interesting books.
  • Leaders have ensured that pupils experience a broad and interesting curriculum. Teachers adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND). 
  • Children in the pre-school, Nursery Year and Reception Year classes get off to a great start.
  • Pupils enjoy the wide range of learning opportunities on offer to them.
  • Leaders have ensured that pupils’ personal development is given a high priority.
  • The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
  • Pupils are taught well about how to keep themselves safe.


What does the school need to do to improve?

  • Work to strengthen the teaching of reading and pupils’ love of books has been effective overall. Most pupils achieve well with their reading, but the weakest readers do not catch up quickly enough. Leaders need to ensure that training for staff in the teaching of reading equips them with the skills they need to help the weakest pupils become fluent readers.
  • Leaders have recently made improvements to the curriculum and identified the key knowledge they want pupils to learn in different year groups. This is beginning to have a positive impact, but some pupils have not remembered important knowledge and skills well enough. Leaders should ensure that all teachers provide opportunities for pupils to understand how new learning links to what has previously been taught and that they can apply what they know confidently before moving on.
  • Leaders have worked hard to improve rates of attendance. There are signs that attendance is improving but it remains below the national average and persistent absence is too high. Leaders need to redouble their efforts to improve attendance so that attendance rises, and persistent absence falls.


The full report is available on the Ofsted website, follow the link below.


You have your chance to share your views with Ofsted at any time and can share these via the Parent View section of the Ofsted site.


If you would like further information as to how the school is performing, please contact us directly

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