Welcome to teh parent section of the Ash Grange website. It is my privilege to be the Headteacher of Ash Grange and to lead this fantastic school, with a dedicated and hard-working team of staff and Governors.
Our ethos is: “We Care, We Learn, We Shine”, this encompasses all we do for everyone and one another, this website shares with you what this looks like day by day.
Our Equity and Belonging Statement is:
We have 4 core aims which underpin our provision:
1. Connection
Relationships are essential for connection, and this is at the heart of Ash Grange. Through respectful and empathetic interactions, we build trust, fostering a sense of safety and belonging. Our pastoral support is exceptional, and through equity, we enable everyone to reach their potential. In our learning environment, we help children understand the importance of connection, allowing them to continually build on their skills and knowledge to achieve deeper understanding. We also cultivate connections with our community and the world, empowering children to become global citizens who champion the rights and responsibilities of all.
2. Independence
From their first steps in Nursery to their leaving steps in Year 6, we foster children's independence. We support them in developing self-awareness, helping them recognize their strengths, needs, and challenges. Our focus is on providing opportunities for them to tackle and overcome obstacles, building resilience and the ability to manage changing emotions. We aim for all children to adopt independent learning behaviors, seeing themselves as active partners in the learning process.
3. Discovery
We believe learning is a journey of discovery, inquiry, and exploration that connects to new knowledge and broadens our understanding. We nurture children’s curiosity, incorporating phrases like “can-do,” “ish,” and “not-yet” into their vocabulary. We help children build resilience so they feel comfortable learning new and challenging things. Our goal is for children to discover their passions and interests, share them with others, and develop leadership skills through sharing their expertise.
4. Challenge
Ash Grange is a respectful community of people, young and old, where we can challenge ourselves, the children, and one another. By understanding one another more deeply, we confront biases, differing perspectives, and all forms of prejudice and discrimination. We teach critical thinking skills that encourage listening, questioning, growth, and development. We nurture children’s self-esteem, empowering them to use their voices to share their views, thoughts, and ideas, ultimately becoming change-makers.
School Development Plan (SDP) 2024-25
Every year we strive to improve the provision of Ash Grange to have the greatest impact we can on the pupils, parents, staff and community. Each year the school stakeholders review progress and attainment to identify actions to improve the provision for all children, our current targets are:
SDP Aspects
1. Attendance:
a) Increase attendance rates
b) Reduce Persistent Absence (less than 90%)
c) Reduce lateness
2. Raising Standards
a) Maths - Develop mastery methodology to increase rates of progress
b) English - Develop from loading of skills in Grammar and Reading to increase rates of progress
c) Science, Geography, History - to increase number of children achieving within expected level of attainment by reducing number of children at just within level of achievement
d) SEN - Develop signposting and opportunities to support parents of SEN children
e) Early Years - To increase rates of progress in speech and language and raise GLD standards at the end of Reception Year.
These are the ones that we have achieved so far:
Governors monitor all aspects of the SDP as part of meetings, and on-going monitoring throughout the year. Find out more
Mrs Curtis - Headteacher
This area is full of useful links and information about policy and practice (there is not a single document) at Ash Grange. There is an A to Z directory here.
If you require a paper copy of any document you can request 1 free copy from the school office.
We work in partnership with families to create the best opportunities for children to thrive and learn. We have a strong parent/carer voice as we work together to improve the Nursery and School offer for all.
We run workshop and coffee mornings to support families. (See Calendar for upcoming events).