Happy Summer Holidays! πŸŽ‰ Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
Home Page

Policies and Procedures

Click the links below to view our key policies, or come into the office and order a copy. There is a charge for multiple copies.

Policy and Guidelines List
Acceptable Use of IT equipment 
Admission Arrangements 
Behaviour Principles Written Statement - Governors "Code of Conduct"
Bereavement Policy
Central Record of recruitment and vetting checks
Charging and Remissions
Child Protection Policy and Procedures
Collective Worship
Complaints Policy
Consultancy Guidelines
Data Protection and Freedom of information
Disciplinary and Capability - Staff
Drug Education Policy
Early Years Foundation Stage
ECT Policy
Emergency Planning document
Equality  Information and Objectives Statement for Publication
Equality Policy 
Finance Policy
Fire Risk Assessment
Food Safety
Funzone and Teeny Funzone Terms and Conditions
Giving References
Governor Allowances
Governor Visits
Governors Appeals Panel TOR
Governors Code of Conduct
Governors Finances and Staffing Committee TOR
 Governors FGB Standing Orders
Governors Headteacher Appraisal TOR
Governors Learning and Progress Committee TOR
Governors Pastoral and Well-being Committee TOR
Governors Pay Committee TOR
Grievance and Dispute Policy
Health and Safety 
Home-School Agreement
Homework Policy
Instrument of Government
Intimate Care Policy
Lone Working
Minutes of governing body and committees
Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing
Prevent Risk Assessment
PSHE Policy
Pupil Premium Statement - on website
Recruitment and Selection
Register of Business Interests
SEN Information Report - on website
Sex & Relationship Education
Social Media Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Special Leave of Absence
Sports Funding statement - on website
Staff Code of Conduct
Staff Handbook 
Statement of procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff (within the CP policy)
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
Swimming usage terms and consitions
Trips and visits 
Whistle Blowing
Non Statutory
Additional Documents/Guidelines

Governing Body Policies can be found on the Governors page.

Concerns and Complaints Policy

At Ash Grange we understand that you may sometimes have a concern. In the first instance please speak to your child’s Key Person in the Nursery or the Classteacher in the school.  If the matter is not resolved please arrange a mutually convenient appointment with the Headteacher.


The school telephone number is 01252 328 589

The email address is:


As a Surrey County Council School we follow their policy on Responding to Concerns and Complaints policy at: 

Click the link for Surrey's Guidance for Parents Complaint Form (to be completed if unable to resolve issues, as described in Surrey's Guidance)

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