Week Beginning 16th September:16th September, 09:00 - 09:30 Meet the teacher and find out what the children will be learning this year. 16th September, Year 3 - Year 6 Clubs Start. 16th September, Year 6 Assembly 09:00 - 09:30.
Home Page

Policies and Procedures

School policies can be found here on the Governor’s Virtual Office (GVO).

Concerns and Complaints Policy


At Ash Grange we understand that you may sometimes have a concern. In the first instance please speak to your child’s Key Person in the Nursery or the Classteacher in the school.  If the matter is not resolved please arrange a mutually convenient appointment with the Headteacher.


The school telephone number is 01252 328 589

The email address is:


As a Surrey County Council School we follow their policy on Responding to Concerns and Complaints policy at: 


Click the link for Surrey's Guidance for Parents Complaint Form (to be completed if unable to resolve issues, as described in Surrey's Guidance)

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