Week Beginning 27th January: 27th January - Reception NCMP and Health Screening. 31st January - Year 2 Assembly
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PSHE - Personal, Social and Health Education

PSHE is part of the foundations of our school and we provide opportunities for children to identify and understand their emotions and provide them with strategies to help them manage them,  through PSHE lessons and Me Time with Mrs Curtis. Our PSHE curriculum covers Responsibilities and Communities, Emotional Health, Physical Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, Keeping Safe, Growing and Changing and Media and Economic Wellbeing.  In addition to this, we have achieved the Surrey Gold Anti Bullying Award, Bronze UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Award, Surrey Gold Healthy Schools Award and Mental Health and Wellbeing Award.  

Surrey Healthy Schools approach is at the heart of our work at Ash Grange. The focus of the approach exemplifies our aims and our whole child support for children.  Each year the SDP identifies the actions for the year ahead to improve provision and our policies and guidelines provide strategies and methodology.

In Early Years and Foundation Stage, Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) provides children the opportunity to develop strong, warm and supportive relationships with adults, enable children to learn how to understand their own feelings and those of others.  Through adult modelling and guidance, they will learn how to look after their bodies, including healthy eating, and manage personal needs independently. Through supported interaction with other children, they learn how to make good friendships, co-operate and resolve conflicts.  

At the beginning of each year, Y1-Y6 are provided with a certificate which outlines the year's learning and is put in front of their PSHE books as a reference tool for the year ahead.  This enables the child to see how this year's journey builds on prior learning.

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