Week Beginning 27th January: 27th January - Reception NCMP and Health Screening. 31st January - Year 2 Assembly
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Music Curriculum and Development Plan 2024-25

Our music curriculum and wider experiences aim to engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music.  Through a structured programme of learning, utilising the Charanga Scheme children build strong musical knowledge of the 4 strands of the Music National Curriculum:

  • Performing
  • Composing
  • Listening 
  • Knowledge and Understanding

The children have weekly lessons following the Charanga programme for one-half of each term, this is where the children build their knowledge and skills of genres, instruments, techniques and musical structures. From which the children compose, refine and perform their musical pieces.

Music links to all learning and provides context for many subjects from geography of the world as the develop their cultural appreciation to maths as temp and time signatures are understood. Music is a subject that weaves and draws all subjects together. 

 Our curriculum is mapped out on the certificates below with different instruments being taught in different years.

Co-Curriculum - Musical Opportunities at Ash Grange

We have a wide range of musical experiences and opportunities for the children to enjoy outside of music lessons. We work with our Surrrey Music Hub to develop children's experiences of music.


Assemblies  have a singing element every week so the children memorise songs and sing for pleasure. 


Instrument Opportunities

We have developed a number of partnerships with music lesson providers, here are our current ones:


1. Surrey Arts

Surrey Arts are our provider of weekly instrument lessons for all ages, 1:1 and small groups. 

In addition to lessons, there are also other opportunities to play and develop skills in one of Surrey Arts’ 40 ensembles which cater for all different abilities and instruments all over the county.

Children have the opportunity to sign up for brass (trumpet, trombone and French horn), wind (flute, clarinet and saxophone), drums and guitar with Surrey Arts. These lessons take place within the school day and there is also the facility to loan instruments from Surrey Arts to enable children to practise their new skills at home.

Currently we have children undertaking weekly lessons in:







Find out more. 


2. Rocksteady 

Rocksteady are our band leson provider, for children from Reception to Year 6.  Lessons take place during the school day.  Bands comprise voice, keyboard, drums and guitar. 

If you would like to know more follow the link


3. Choir

There is an autumn term choir that creates Christmas concerts for the school, local elderly residential home and the whole school community.  This is run weekly all children can join from Year 2 upwards.


4. Workshops

We organise experts to come and share their music with the children in assemblies and in workshops linked to projects, last year we had Rock Bands and Drumming workshops that we all enjoyed. 


If you know of any musical groups, or are part of any musical groups or play a musical instrument and would be willing to come and share this experience with the children, please let us know. 

2024-25 Plans

  1. To increase musical experiences by offering optional trips and events for children to attend out of school.
  2. To have termly music concerts to share with the children of the school and parents all that the children have been learning in lessons.
  3. To create regular opportunities for children to perform to the school their musical progress and achievements through assemblies.
  4. To have an annual music concert for the choir, instrument learners, lesson compositions and any workshop pieces to be performed for families and children.


Music Subject Leader is Mrs Curtis

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