Week Beginning 27th January: 27th January - Reception NCMP and Health Screening. 31st January - Year 2 Assembly
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A day in the life

The daily routine for each age group provides a wide variety of stimulating activities designed to promote, broaden key aspects of a child’s development. 


SMALL GROUP TIME – This is part of the daily routine which includes activities that have been planned for the children. The children will work in groups with carefully selected materials which will help them to develop a learning key experience towards the Early Learning Goals.


OUTSIDE PLAY – This is a time when all the children go outside and explore and investigate the outdoor learning environment, developing their skills of knowledge and understanding of the world.  It also helps to develop the children’s physical skills.


All areas of both the indoor and outdoor learning environment are open for the children to explore throughout the session. Resources are freely available to the children and at all times the children have access to sand, water, sensory bowls, mud kitchen, slides and balance bikes plus many more…


SNACK/LUNCHTIME -The children sit down together to enjoy a nutritious snack during the morning and afternoon sessions. The children are offered a drink of milk or water with snack and throughout the day water is available for the children. Children who attend a full day or afternoon session are asked to provide a healthy packed lunch to enjoy together.

Characteristics of Effective Learning


The Early Years Foundation Stage is the curriculum that begins in Nursery and continues until the end of Reception Class. 


It identifies three main characteristics that underpin learning and development across all areas.


Playing and Exploring (engagement) This involves finding out and exploring, playing with what they know and being willing to 'have a go'.


Active Learning (motivation) This is being involved and concentrating, to keep trying and enjoying achieving what they set out to do.


Creating and Thinking Critically This involves having their own ideas, making links and choosing ways to do things.

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