Happy Summer Holidays! 🎉 Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
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Welcome to Reception!


Look at what we have been doing in Reception.

We visited Bocketts Farm. We had a great day and enjoyed seeing the animals in the sunshine.

We rode on a tractor. We also fed goats, sheep and cows - the cow had a very slimy tongue!

We watched a pig race and cheered for our favourite coloured pig to win - the winner was the blue one!

We stroked chickens, guinea pigs and a rabbit.

We also had a play in the park, bounced on the bouncy pillow and drove a go kart.

We had “the best day ever”.

Look at our terrific transport homework projects!

We performed our assembly for our grown ups and school. We did very well saying our lines and singing our songs!

We celebrated Father’s Day by inviting our dads, grandads, uncles etc. in to join in with our learning - we iced biscuits, made crowns, wrote about our dads and much more! We had lots of fun, especially making our cardboard creations, and so did our grown ups!

We took part in Sport’s Day!

Summer 2 - Are we there yet?


We started our new topic by talking about different journeys we had been on. We talked about which transport we used to get there. 


We talked about that if you go to a different country you need to have a passport, so we made our own passports. We drew a picture of ourselves and filled in our details.


We then took our passports on to our aeroplanes and off we went … we visited Italy, France, Africa and the North Pole! We completed some activities that matched the place we visited, including learning the rainbow song in french!


We had a great time on our adventure!

Look at our fantastic farm homework projects

Look at what we have done in Summer 1

Summer 1 - Do cows drink milk?


We have really enjoyed learning about the farm.


We looked at different animals that lived there and made our own farm animals from 2D shapes. We also painted ducks using our fingers to form dots. 


We looked at the transport that can be found on the farm and the different uses they have. We made some tractors out of lolly sticks and other junk materials.


We read some different stories about farms such as Farmer Duck and Rosie's Walk. We designed and drew our own farms. 


In RE we learnt about our Wonderful World. We talked about the special things that we can find in our world and how to look after them. We went outside and drew what we could see in nature from our school.


We finished our topic by tasting some foods that grow on the farm, such as cucumbers, or are made using ingredients that are on the farm such as bread.

Summer 1 - Do cows drink milk?


We started our new topic by talking about different animals that we would find on a farm - we had to solve the clues to find out which animal it was. Some of the clues were a little tricky!


We read a story about a little girl who went to her grandad’s farm to help him to carry out all the different jobs that needed to be done in a day on the farm. We are excited about our visit to the farm in July!


We enjoyed dressing as farm animals in our farmyard role play area and we also had fun painting our tractor too!

Look at our wonderful story homework projects

Look at what we have done in Spring 2

Spring 2 - Will you read me a story?


During this topic we have learnt about lots of different books and read lots of stories. We enjoyed acting out different stories using puppets and props we had made. We made houses out of the materials that the 3 Little Pigs made their houses out of and made some bears and Goldilocks out of paper plates. We talked about the different parts of a story and talked about different characters and settings. We wrote the 3 Little Pigs stories by ourselves - our teachers were very impressed!


We planted some beans to see if they would grow as high as the beanstalk in the Jack and the Beanstalk. We watered them and put them in the sunshine. Some grew quite high!


In RE we learnt about special books in different religions and had the Easter story read to us. We also made some chocolate Easter nests - which was fun!

We performed a class assembly to our parents - we all did very well saying our lines and singing our songs!

We celebrated Mother’s Day by inviting our mums in to join in with our learning - we iced biscuits, made flowers, wrote about our mums and much more! We had lots of fun and so did our mums! 

We celebrated World Book Day by taking part in some book related activities - we designed and decorated our own story spoons, we also went hunting in books to find different characters, we made our own books, listened to stories on the Tonie and read LOTS of books during the day! 

Spring 2 - Will you read me a story?


We started our new topic by talking about our favourite books - we are looking forward to sharing them with our friends this half term.


We also had a letter from a boy named Jack who was trying to hide from a giant he had met. He asked us to look out for the giant’s footprints, so we got our magnifying glasses out and went looking - we found some footprints in the classroom, green room, outside and a few other places too! 

We enjoyed creating a leaf to be added to our giant beanstalk in our classroom story castle - it reached right up to the ceiling and along the wall! 

Look at our super nighttime homework projects

Look at what we have done in Spring 1

Spring 1 - What happens when I fall asleep?


During this topic we learnt lots about space and the planets. We learnt the names of some famous astronauts and saw a video of a rocket launch. We also thought about what it would be like for us to go to space and write lists of what we would take. 

We also thought about people who helped us at night when we are sleeping and people who help us during the day. We had many visitors come to talk to us, including a policeman, nurse, headteacher and many more! We talked about the jobs we would like to have when we are older too.


We looked at the artist Jackson Pollock and had a go at our own art work by flicking paint onto black paper to create a space background.


We celebrated the Chinese New Year and learnt about the animals each year is named after. We enjoyed using chopsticks to pick up rice and noodles too!

It snowed!!!

Spring 1 - What happens when I fall asleep?


We started our new topic by painting a rocket ship to go into our role play area. We also designed our own spacesuits.

We had a mysterious parcel delivered all the way from space, which contained some objects we had to investigate from the moon.

We also acted out our new story of ‘Whatever Next’ - we enjoyed our trip to the moon!

Look at our great squirrel project homework

Look at what we have done in Autumn 2

Autumn 2 - Why do squirrels hide their nuts?


This term we have looked at hibernation. We talked about which animals hibernate and why. We made our own forest animals and enjoyed learning in the bear cave role play area.


We celebrated and learnt about different festivals too, including Divali, Eid, Remembrance Day, Bonfire Night. We had some adults come to talk to us about their celebrations; Mrs Mohammad about Eid, Miss Cherrington about St David's Day and Miss Postel about French Christmas traditions. 

We also enjoyed celebrating Christmas and were superstars in our nativity performance.


We continued to think about our feelings and thought about things that make us sad, happy and angry - we thought of different ways that we could manage these feelings.

Look at our great homework posters about friendship.

Look at what we have done in Autumn 1

Autumn 1 - Do you want to be friends?


This half term we developed our friendships as we got to know each other. We talked about and drew our family. We thought about things that were special to us and brought in something to share with our class. We also thought about how it felt to start a new school and make new friends.


We used a mirror to look at our facial features and painted a self portrait.


We thought about our similarities and differences and joined with the school to celebrate Diversity Week. Our class book was 'The Smeds and The Smoos' Which we enjoyed reading it and doing activities related to it. 


We talked about the festival of Harvest and tried some new fruits - some that we liked and some that we didn't! we did some vegetable printing.

Our first week 


We have had a great first week at Ash Grange. Look at what we have been doing. We were very brave and had our lunch in the hall - we did very well eating and clearing away our plates. We enjoyed our first PE lesson on Friday too!

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