Week Beginning 27th January: 27th January - Reception NCMP and Health Screening. 31st January - Year 2 Assembly
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Last Day Reminder 20th December

Dear Parent/Carer, 

Children can wear Christmas jumpers, party clothes, or fancy dress. Please ensure outfits are suitable for learning and active play (e.g., no high heels).


Christmas service at St. Peter’s Church in Ash will take place at 9:00 am. Reception to Year 6 will walk to the church after registration. There will be songs and readings. We warmly invite all parents and carers to join us.


After our service at the church, we will have two discos: one at 10:00am for KS1 and another at 11:00am for KS2. For any child who prefers not to participate due to the loud music or personal preference, a quiet classroom will be available.


Following the discos, the children will enjoy a picnic lunch. There will be no hot meal options for this day.


The menu choices are as follows:

The RED option is Ham sandwich

The GREEN option is a Cheese sandwich

The BLUE(O CODE) option is a Tuna sandwich.


The menu choices listed on the 20th of December are not the same as listed above. Please make your sandwich choice using the colour system as shown above.


Please note that school will finish early at 1:30 pm for all classes, from Nursery 1, Nursery 2, Reception to Year 6, on Friday, 20th December. There will be no Funzone after-school on the 20th of December 2024.

Best wishes

The office team

Scopay School Shop