Happy Summer Holidays! πŸŽ‰ Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
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Dear Parents/Carers,

Happy end of first week at Nursery and School. It has been a wonderful week the children have settled into their new classes so well and are thoroughly loving all the new learning.  The new routines and locations have been mastered, including the children playing in Key Stage groups at breaktimes and lunchtime.  So Y1 and 2 play together with Reception joining in over the coming weeks.  Years 3 to 6 play together.  The children play in 2 big areas:  Zone 1 - Front Playground and Climbing Frame, Zone 2 – Pitch, trim Trail, Funzone Playground and Covered Way.   The Key stages rotate areas each week, staff move with the children so there is always a familiar face near by.  For new parents please note that you need to stay on the top playground not moving to the collection areas for classes until the gates open at 3.10pm each day, so that the classes can continue lessons.  Also children are not allowed to play on the equipment before or after school, it is for in school time only.

At the start of the year we review a number of documents and policies and share these with you through the website.

  1. Our Home/School Agreement has been reviewed and updated with all we agree to do at school and what you agree to do as a member of our school community.  Use this link to read the document.
  2. Funzone Terms and Conditions – all families using this facility must sign the Terms and Conditions. The new access code for the pedestrian will be published to those who have signed the conditions on Thursday 14th September.   

Year 6

This class only have the privilege of walking home, children believed they needed a phone in order to do so, this is not accurate.

The children were given their monitor badges today for their special responsibilities this term.  These need to be ironed or sewn on to the top of the left sleeve of their jumper or cardigan in the style of cubs/brownies.


A number of children have had their ears pierced over the holidays.  Once they have passed the initial 6 week period when they need to keep the same earrings in, their earring choice must be in line with the school policy, This is a simple stud which is smooth and has no catch points around the edge, hoops and dangly earrings are not permitted for safety reasons.


Our gardening club started today. Children from Years 1 to 6 come at lunchtime to join the Head Gardeners in the gardens. Today was Harvesting Day and there are some lovely images attached for you to see.  The club runs every Friday.


Mr Barnett is writing today to let you know about the club offer for the first half of the year. Key Stage 2 children can select 2 clubs, they may want to come to all the trials to see which club they like the most.  Trials happen the week beginning 18th September. 

In addition to this there will be some lunchtime clubs for Sports and Choir that all ages can enjoy.


This is being set today and all classes from Y1 to 6 have homework to complete over the week.  If you have any difficulties accessing the sites please some to office and they will support you to access them.  Project homework has one piece for the half term.  The class page on the website has lots of information too.


There is a new strain and we have had some poorly people this week. If your child has a case of Covid our policy is that they are off school for 3 days until the symptoms have passed and they are well enough to return.  Current cases are taking 7 days to run their course.

Hidden Treasures

Guildford Heritage Open Days – Friday 8 to Sunday 10 September across Guildford


There are over 50 interesting, historical and beautiful venues open this weekend for free across Guildford.  For details, please visit Guildford Heritage Open Days 2023 - Heritage & History in Guildford and surrounding villages, Guildford - Visit Surrey and download the Hidden Treasures leaflet.


Saturday only, Guildford Town Centre – the Story of Guildford Trail

Have fun on the trail and enjoy finding out about our town’s history!

Learn about Guildford’s fascinating history and collect stickers along the way as part of our Heritage Open Days event.

Stickers can be collected from venues marked on the map with a red dot on Saturday 9 September.  Each venue is open from 11am until 4pm, with some opening slightly earlier or later.

The Family Trail Sticker books are available to pick up from Guildford Tourist Information Centre.


 Bridge Building

As many of you know Guildford Borough Council are commencing bridge works for the Ash station.  There are 2 events which you can attend on Thursday 21st September 3-8pm and Friday 22 September 3-8pm to find out more information. The location is the Small Hall at the Ash Centre, Ash Hill Road, GU12 5DP. For up to date information go to:


The calendar is all on the website so you can see what is happening when.  An additional email about music opportunities also came out this week,

Kind regards

Mrs Curtis



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