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World Book Day Costume Swap – Join the Fun!

Dear Parent/Carer, 

We are excited to celebrate World Book Day, this year we are wearing costumes, homemade or bought, on Thursday, 6th March! 


To mark this special occasion, we invite all children and staff to dress up as their favourite book characters and enjoy a day filled with reading fun.


In the spirit of recycling, we are introducing a Costume Swap. If your child has outgrown any dress-up costumes that are still in good condition, please consider donating them to the school office between 3rd February and 7th February.  The office team will them put them all out for families to look through and select from 12th February.


Every family who donates a costume will get a swap token to trade for a “new-to-them” costume if they would like to. From 12th February, all families can look through the donated costumes and select one to swap for their token or buy one for a £1.


We hope this initiative makes World Book Day more accessible to everyone while encouraging sustainability. Thank you for your support—we can’t wait to see all the wonderful costumes on 6th March!


Best wishes

Scopay School Shop