Happy Summer Holidays! πŸŽ‰ Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
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Welcome to Year 4!



Autumn 1

Burps, Bottoms and Bile!


This half-term's learning is all about the human body, focusing on our digestive system. We launched our project by making models of our stomach and intestines using tights to see the journey our food goes on! Take a look at our grossed-out faces!



Autumn 2

I Am Warrior


In Autumn 2, we learned all about the Roman Empire. We looked at artefacts from the period and researched important people and inventions from this time too! In science, we explored how circuits work and even made some of our own. 

Look at the amazing homework we made for our project!

Spring 1

Misty Mountain Sierra 

Look at our mountain-tastic homework!

Spring 2

Blue Abyss


We learned how to make papier-mache sea creatures this half-term! We also brought in some wonderful project homework - take a look!

Summer 1

Traders and Raiders

Summer 2 - Playlist!

We had a drumming workshop to start our new project!

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