Happy Half Term! Enjoy your break and see you back on 25th February 2025.
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Welcome to Year 4!



Spring 1

Misty Mountain Sierra




This half-term, we learnt all about the mountains around the world. We learnt about Mount Everest and compared it to Scafell Pike in geography. We wrote adventure stories based on The Hobbit and diary entries based on Edmond Hillary's diary in English.

In DT, we made mountain shelters. We used skills such as hacksawing and using the hot glue gun to build our designs. 

In Science, we learnt about the different states of matter and the water cycle. We conducted an experiment in class where we proved that the temperature of the room impact on the rate of evaporation. We had three wet socks drying in different places in the classroom, the one in the warmest corner dried the quickest. 

In RE, we learnt about the important times in Judaism. On Monday 10th February, we were very lucky to welcome Rabbi Alex Goldberg to the school to talk to us about Judaism.

Mrs Curtis came to the class to share all about her experience climbing mountains including Mont Blanc, Kilimanjaro and Base Camp in Mount Everest! We were all very interested in learning more about mountain climbing and exploring the equipment needed.

Autumn 2

I Am Warrior!



This half-term, we learnt all about the Romans and what life was like in the Roman Empire.

In English, we re-wrote the story of Romulus and Remus to tell the story of the building of Rome. We also wrote speeches pretending to be Boudicca to encourage Celts to join our rebellion!

We learnt all about why and how Britannia was invade by the Romans and their legacy. Did you know that we have central heating today thanks to the Romans?

In Geography, we compared Roma and London. We learnt about the human and physical features of both places, which city would you like to live in?

In Computing, we used coding to make shapes and patterns, have a look at our work!

In Maths, we are working hard to remember our multiplication and division facts for all our times-tables. So much to remember! We also learnt all about area using different resources to help us, so much fun! 


Have a look at our learning!



Take a look at our amazing Project Homework! We also had great PowerPoints we shared with the class!

Autumn 1

Burps, Bottoms and Bile!



We had a great half-term learning all about how our digestive system works and what the different types of teeth are in Science!

We wrote non-chronological reports in English to tell all about our teeth!

In DT, we made yummy and healthy smoothies and practised some sewing. This was hard but we all tried our best!

We had a lovely time going around school for the Art exhibition based on The Courtyard of a House in Delft. We used sketching to represent what might be hiding behind the door. 

During our Endurance Day with Mr Mayne, we took part in different army-like activities, this was so much fun!





Take a look at our amazing Project Homework! We also had great PowerPoints we shared with the class!




This half-term's learning is all about the human body, focusing on our digestive system. We launched our project by making models of our stomach and intestines using tights to see the journey our food goes on! Take a look at our grossed-out faces!

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