Week Beginning 27th January: 27th January - Reception NCMP and Health Screening. 31st January - Year 2 Assembly
Home Page

Year 4

Welcome to our Year 4 page where you can find out more about what is happening in our class!


On Tuesdays, Year 4 have 'Together We Achieve' with Mr Mayne - this counts for our first PE lesson. Children need to wear PE kit to school.


Our second PE lesson is on a Wednesday. Please wear school uniform and bring your swimming kit (costume, towel, hat, goggles, flip flops).


If you have any questions or would like to contact the class team, please email or call the school office on 01252 328589 to leave a message. Alternatively you can fill in the contact form.


We're looking forward to working with you this year!

Year 4 Staff

Our Class Novels

Half Term Project Details and Homework Ideas

YEAR 4 – Misty Mountain Sierra

Project homework is due Friday 7th February 2025.



The new projects run for the first half of the Spring term. Homework contributions can be made throughout the half term, please make sure your child brings in something that they have worked on at home. 

Below are a list of ideas for each project, try one of these or something else project related.

  • Find out about animals that inhabit a mountainous area of the world. How do they adapt and survive? Are any of these animals endangered? Why?
  • Write an information book explaining how different types of mountains are formed. Include labelled diagrams showing each type. You could look at fold, block, dome, volcanic or plateau mountains and give examples of each mountain type.
  • Create fact-files about famous mountaineers such as George Mallory, Sir Edmund Hilary or Reinhold Messner.
  • Research mountain sports such as skiing, snowboarding, rock climbing or mountain biking. Choose one that excites you and create a scrapbook of information and images. Feature the equipment or clothing needed and the world’s best competitors in the sport.
  • Write a ‘True or False?’ quiz which includes amazing statements about mountains of the world.
  • Write a ‘water cycle’ song or a rap! Make sure you fit in the key words, like condensation, precipitation and evaporation.
  • Write a diary entry for a child living in a mountainous region of the world. What happens in their daily life? How would their day differ from your own?
  • Draw a map showing the major mountain regions of the world! Can you annotate key facts about their size? 
  • Conduct a science experiment about the states of matter. Can you turn a liquid into a solid or gas? How long does it take?
  • Produce a guide to Jewish celebrations. What special occasions do Jewish people celebrate? When are they? 
  • Create a calendar showing the months and days in French. Can you mark special events on there?


YEAR 4 – I Am Warrior

Project homework is due Friday 6th December 2024.


The new projects run for the second half of the Autumn term. Homework contributions can be made throughout the half term, please make sure your child brings in something that they have worked on at home.  

Below are some ideas for each project, try one of these or something else project related. 

  • Write some number calculations using Roman numerals for your friends to solve. 

  • Find out the dates of birth of your family and friends and record them in Roman numerals. 

  • Look at Roman artefacts in detail on the British Museum website. Sketch a selection and write an explanation (such as where and when they were discovered and what the artefact was used for). 

  • Look at online information to find out about modern day Rome as a tourist destination. Which tourist attractions would you visit? What is the weather like? Where else would you like to go in Italy? 

  • Write a diary entry as if you are a Roman soldier, a slave in a Roman villa or a Celtic child. What is your typical day like?  

  • Make a model of a Roman villa using junk materials such as cereal boxes, coloured paper, tin foil and cardboard tubes. Use online images and pictures in non-fiction books to inspire the layout of your villa. 

  • Make a drawing of a Roman god or goddess. Write a fact file of information about them.


YEAR 4 – Burps, Bottoms and Bile


Project homework is due Friday 18th October 2024.


The new projects run for the first half of the Autumn term. Homework contributions can be made throughout the half term, please make sure your child brings in something that they have worked on at home. 

Below are a list of ideas for each project, try one of these or something else project related.

  • Who spends the most time in the bathroom in your house? Make some observations and display your findings in a graph or chart!
  • Find out how to look after your digestive system with some colon-cleansing foods (cider vinegar, flax seeds, avocado and spinach are good) and make a song/poster encouraging people to look after their guts!
  • Learn how to boost your immune system. Make a poster or advert for a doctor’s surgery helping people to avoid falling victim to the flu season.
  • Drop grubby copper-plated coins into a range of fizzy drinks and leave them overnight to see what happens. Which brand has the most powerful cleaning properties? Take photographs and present your findings
  • Some people sneeze because they are allergic to certain substances such as pollen or house dust mites. Survey your friends and family and find out if anyone you know has an allergy. How will you record the information?

Year 4 experiences


During Year 4, Pupils take part in Together We Achieve with Mr Mayne each Tuesday. We also have sessions with an art specialist from Ash Manor bi-weekly on Wednesdays.

School Council 


School Councillor - Bell-Rose

Class Reps - Chester and Melisa

Eco Reps - Crystal and Isiuwa

Charity - TBA

Class Assembly Dates


Here are the dates for our class sharing assemblies this year. We hope you will come and join us at 9am in the hall:


  • Year 4 Class Assembly - Friday 22nd November 2024
  • Year 4 Class Assembly - Friday 14th February 2025
  • Year 4 Easter Assembly at Holy Angels Church - Friday 4th April 2025
  • Year 4 Class Assembly - Friday 23rd May 2025

Year 4 Trips and Events



Scopay School Shop