Happy Summer Holidays! 🎉 Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
Home Page

Nursery 2's Gallery of Learning

Alice Holt 2024

Summer 2-What is a shadow?

Summer 1-Why can’t I have chocolate for breakfast?

Summer 1-Why can’t I have chocolate for breakfast?

Summer 1-Why can’t I have chocolate for breakfast?

Spring 2-Are eggs alive?

Spring 2-Are eggs alive?

Spring 1 2024-Where does snow go?

Spring 1 2024 Where does snow go?

Christmas 2023

Autumn 2023-How many colours in a rainbow?

Children in Need 2023-Pyjama Day

Autumn 2-How many colours in a rainbow?

Autumn 2023 How many pebbles on the beach?

Autumn 2023- How many pebbles on the beach?

Scopay School Shop