Happy Summer Holidays! πŸŽ‰ Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
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Nursery Classes

Looking to join our Nursery? Visit our Nursery page for details on how to apply. 


Our Current Topic is ‘Why do you love me so much?’


“A bear that was big, a bear that was small and a bear that was tiny!”


This half term we are exploring love, families and how people are the same and different. We will be looking at themed songs and stories to learn about different families and traditions from around the world.


The new projects run for the first half of the Autumn term.


Help your child to prepare for their project

Below are some of the exciting learning activities for you to try at home;


  • Look through old and new family photos and talk about who and what you see.
  • Carry out a simple act of kindness for a relative or family friend.
  • Share books about families, celebrations and traditions.

Autumn 1 2024 Why do you love me so much?

Welcome to our Nursery Classes page  where you can find out more about what is happening in our class.


If you have any questions or would like to contact the class team please email or or call the school office on 01252 328589 to leave a message. Alternatively you can fill in the contact form.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which uses continuous play and exploration to learn. Adults plan both adult led and child initiated activities that enable the children to develop social skills, self confidence and independence in a range of contexts. 


At Ash Grange we encourage our children to get messy and have fun outside in all weathers therefore we ask that your child is dressed in appropriate clothing suitable for the various activities and all weathers.


Please remember in case of accidents and wet play all children need

  • a spare set of clothes and pants which remain at school
  • Wellies
  • No laces on shoes, velcro fastenings are ideal for this age
  • On swimming days we are ask Nursery 2 to wear easy to dress clothes such as jogging bottoms and top.

Class Trips and Events

Nursery 1 class will have the following activity at Ash Grange:

  •   TBC


Nursery 2 class will be visiting the following:

  • Alice Holt 18th June 2024
Scopay School Shop