Week Beginning 13th May: Monday -Thursday - SATs Year 6, Thursday - Parent Lunch, Friday - Year 4 Assembly
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Y6 Gallery of Learning

Gallery Rebels - Summer 1


We launched our topic based around our class novel: The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick.  We looked at the amazing pencil drawings that tell the opening of the story about a boy in Paris who hid behind a clock at a railway station.  We tried to copy one of his drawing ourselves before going on a Virtual Reality journey to Paris!  We saw the sights of the Eiffel Tower, the River Seine and the Louvre!  It was an amazing trip - all from the comfort of school!

We also took part in an electronics workshop, building on our previous electricity knowledge and making different circuits, making things, light up, buzz and even fly!

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Revolution - Spring 2

Our Learning

We have learnt a lot about life as a Victorian child in our history and English lessons.  We are grateful that we do not have to work as chimney sweeps or in the mill factory today, at such a young age!  


As part of our Design and Technology lessons (DT) we looked at a typical Victorian Doll's House before designing and making a room, using  wood as our structure and adding furniture and decorations.


In Science, we reminded ourselves how to make a simple circuit and which components were needed before investigating whether increasing the length of the wires made a difference to the brightness of the bulb. 


Mitaya also wrote an amazing poem based on our RE topic of 'Prophecies about Jesus' which you can read as part of the photos below.


Project Homework

Y6 have completed some fabulous homework to show their learning about the Victorians.  There have been lots of facts researched and models made about different inventions, Queen Victoria, the jobs children had to do, poetry, Victorian homes made and even  a game of skittles!  Take a look at the photos below.

Life as a Victorian Child - Trip

Year 6 visited Reading Museum to experience what life would have been like as a child living in Victorian times.  It really helped bring our learning this term to life!  We sat in a Victorian classroom and had lessons that were typical for the time, writing on a slate board, remembering to stand up to speak to the teacher and some even had some of the punishments!  We also had a taste of some of the jobs including squeezing through a narrow chimney to sweep, doing the laundry, beating carpets and bowing and curtseying to the Lord and Lady!  We really enjoyed our trip - take a look at the photos below.



We started our topic, based on the Victorians,  by looking at some artefacts including children's toys and were amazed how some items are still used today, although they have evolved over time! We had a go at using chalk to write on a chalk board and discovered that some of the playground games we play today began in Victorian times such as skittles, skipping and even diabolo, so we enjoyed trying them out ourselves!   We also had fun looking closely at a Victorian anachronism - that's a picture with an object or person, that is not in its correct time, for example, a Victorian person holding a mobile phone!  

We learnt about silhouettes, which the Victorians used a lot to remember people by instead of a photo,  before sketching and creating our own silhouette.  Finally, Victorian dolls were very expensive, so we did what many children had to do then, and make a peg doll! We had a great fun-packed day!  Take a look at our photos below.

Hola Mexico! - Spring 1

Hola Mexico! - Our Learning


This term we have learnt all about the Mayan civilisation who lived in Mexico and why people speak Spanish there today.  We created our own webpage in computing, presenting all our facts on different pages about Mexico.  We have thoroughly enjoyed reading the class novel, 'Holes' and finally, designed and carefully painted our own 'Day of the Dead' masks, learning to mix and use powder paints.  Take a look at our photos below.

Project Homework - Hola Mexico!


We enjoyed expressing our learning all about Mexico through our project homework.  There were some excellent PowerPoints telling us facts about the history and geography of Mexico as well as plants, animals and foods that you would find there.  We also had some creative movie designs showing inside Mexican homes and the Mexican flag.  Myla even wrote a short story in Spanish and read it to the class! (Luckily, she gave us an English translation!!) Amazing!  Below, are photos of other projects including Day of the Dead altars, Mexican masks, musical maracas, facts and recipes and photos of Mexican cooking at home - well done to all those who took the time to research and present their information in a range of creative ways - take a look!


Welcome to Mexico!  We launched our new topic in style, taking a flight to Mexico!  On arrival we got into the spirit of life with music, shaking our maracas and castanets!!

We learnt some facts about the country to make our own fact file before making our own sombrero to wear - Hola!

'La Cucaracha' - Hola Mexico!!

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