Hola Mexico! Spring 1
Welcome to Mexico! We launced our new topic in style, taking a flight to Mexico! On arrival we got into the spirit of life with music, shaking our maracas and castanets!!
We learnt some facts about the country to make our own fact file before making our own sombrero to wear - Hola! Take a look at some photos below.
A Child's War - Autumn 2
Autumn 2 - Our Learning
We have enjoyed learning about World War 2 this term and what life was like for a child in Britain. In Geography, we compared urban and rural areas in the UK to see where children were evacuated from and to and in our History lessons, we discovered why the war started, how it impacted daily life and how it eventually came to an end. We also wrote a flashback story based on a short film, 'The Piano' and developed our sewing skills by using old shirts to make a pencil case - 'Make Do and Mend'!! Take a look at our photos below.
Autumn 2 Project Homework
Take a look at how we expressed our learning through out project homework. There were some very informative PowerPoints made and presented by Ryan, Fatima and Annabelle, including how the war began, facts and figures and even a quiz on using Morse Code! We also had some very moving and personal family history facts from Beau and Annabelle telling us of the heroic acts and bravery shown by great, great grandfathers. Mia even made her very own evacuee outfit using the war time campaign of 'Make Do and Mend.'
There were also some fabulous models of Anderson Shelters, tanks, aeroplanes, gas masks and battle scenes made as well as expressive paintings, posters and drawings alongside impressive facts about life during World War Two. Well done to all!
Trip to The Imperial War Museum
We had a fabulous time visiting London. We spent lots of time exploring the museum which really helped our learning come alive. We enjoyed looking at artefacts, trying to fit into the different air-raid shelters, sketching Spitfires, learning about different people who had helped the war effort in World War Two and much more!
We also took the opportunity to see some of the London sights. Take a look at some of our photos below.
We launched our new topic, based around World War 2, by looking at different artefacts, including a gas mask, ration books, helmets and clothing.
We then learnt about evacuation, making our own identity label before we packed our case!
Take a look at our photos below.
Frozen Kingdom - Autumn 1
Project Homework
Take a look at some of the fantastic homework about our topic. Everyone showed their amazing knowledge in such different and creative ways. There were also some excellent PowerPoints from Antony, Fatima, Massimo, Richa and Ryan. Great work everyone - well done!
Our Learning
We have enjoyed our Frozen Kingdom topic, learning about the Arctic and Antarctic, finding out where polar bears and penguins live and discovering more about the impact of climate change on these areas. We wrote Shackleton's diary and were able to learn a little of what it must have been like to battle through the extreme weather conditions. As part of History, we learnt about the sinking of the Titanic yet we managed to conquer the iceberg of long division in Maths!
Finally, we discovered that bread was a common food eaten on the Titanic, regardless of which class your cabin was in, so we designed and made our own bread roll, adding our choice of ingredients such as cheese, garlic, olives, raisins, chilli flakes or rosemary. Take a look at some of our photos - it was delicious!
We started our topic off by boarding 'The Titanic'! Some of us were lucky enough to have 1st Class tickets, though 2nd and 3rd Class tickets still had good rooms on board. We learnt a little about when the ship was built and its' journey. We also looked at the menus they had on board and tasted different types of bread and soup, similar to what they would have had in 1912! Take a look at our photos below.