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Blood Heart - Summer 2

Our Learning


We have enjoyed our topic this term, learning about the circulatory system and how our blood becomes oxygenated.  We also learnt why it's important to look after your heart and how to ensure we try to keep our heart healthy by our lifestyle.  In Design and Technology, we  designed and made a game based on the classic board game favourite - 'Operation'!!  We made the electrical circuit to put behind the front of the game and watched the bulb light up or the buzzer sound as we tried to retrieve the items in the game!  Take a look at our photos below.

Project Homework - Blood Heart


There have been some excellent projects this term, from facts about the heart, presented in creative ways: models of the heart, artwork and even a 'working' heart that showed how the blood is pumped towards and away from the heart!  There were also some well presented and informative PowerPoints and presentations from Samuel, Emily, Isla, Zoe and Jessica!  Take a look below at our work.


We started our topic off by finding out what components our blood consists of: red and white blood cells, platelets and plasma.  We learnt about their different functions and then we made our own blood - fake of course!  We used syrup with red food colouring, milk and vegetable oil to represent the different parts of our blood.  We also made a model of how the heart pumps blood with the valves opening and closing to allow the blood to flow using straws and 'blood'! Take a look at our photos below.

Gallery Rebels - Summer 1

Our Learning

Although we were preparing for and taking the Y6 SATs tests this term, we learnt a lot about light in Science.  We discovered that light is not actually white but made up of a spectrum of colours!  We also conducted an investigation to find out what happens to the length of shadows during the day - remember, the sun only appears to move across the sky!

In art, we honed our hatching skills in art to reproduce a set of four sketches based on the style from our class novel - The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick.  He draws from a distance and then zooms in on a feature.  We took our own photos from around school and then zoomed in!   Take a look at some of our photos below.

Project Homework

There has been some amazing project homework this term!  Lots of different artwork created, including copies of renowned artists such as Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso as well as some original cubism and sketching based on our class novel.  There have also some been some interesting facts and research about light, who invented the torch and how the eye works including models.  Great learning, great creativity, great homework!  Well done Y6!  Take a look at the photos below.


We launched our topic based around our class novel: The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick.  We looked at the amazing pencil drawings that tell the opening of the story about a boy in Paris who hid behind a clock at a railway station.  We tried to copy one of his drawing ourselves before going on a Virtual Reality journey to Paris!  We saw the sights of the Eiffel Tower, the River Seine and the Louvre!  It was an amazing trip - all from the comfort of school!

We also took part in an electronics workshop, building on our previous electricity knowledge and making different circuits, making things, light up, buzz and even fly!

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