Happy Summer Holidays! πŸŽ‰ Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
Home Page

Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 page where you can find out more about what is happening in our class.



Year have PE on Monday and swimming on Friday.  Children wear PE kit to school.


If you have any questions or would like to contact the class team please email  call the school office on 01252 328589 to leave a message. Alternatively you can fill in the contact form.



Our Class Novels

Half Term Project Details and Homework Ideas


YEAR 6 – Blood Heart

Deadline: Friday 5th July

The new projects run for the Second half of the summer term. Homework contributions can be made throughout the half term, please make sure your child brings in something that they have worked on at home. 

Below are a list of ideas for each project, try one of these or something else project related.

  • Create an exercise plan for maintaining a healthy heart.
  • Research information and plan ideas for a weekly menu of food that your heart would love. Spinach, porridge, blueberries, salmon and soya protein are all heart-healthy.
  • Songwriters are often inspired by the heart. Create a playlist of songs about the heart, with a fact about each song and artist! Or, even better, write your own song about the heart!
  • Think about what we mean by ‘heart-stopping’. Write about a ‘heart-stopping’ moment in your life. Describe to another person the bodily sensations experienced and then capture it in words as accurately as you can.
  • Find out about some famous heart surgeons. What do you need to study to become a heart surgeon? How long would it take if you started right now? What skills and personality would make you successful in this role?
  • Find out about the size and structure of a human heart and compare it to the size, structure and number of hearts in other animals. (Worms have five!)
  • What does the phrase ‘Blood is thicker than water’ mean? Write a short story using this as a title.
  • Find out about the different pulse points on the human body including the side of the neck (carotid), wrist (radial), top of thigh (femoral) and elbow crease (brachial). Test the different pulse points – which one has the strongest pulse?
  • Draw a diagram that shows how blood circulates around our body
  • Create a fact file about the different organs and components that make up the circulatory system
  • Build a model of the heart or lungs


School Council

School Councillors - Ada and Molly






Y6 Charity - RSPCA (donate here)



Class Assembly Dates

Here are the dates for our class sharing assembly this year, we hope you will come and join us at 9am in the hall.


  • Year 6:        22nd September 2023
  • Year 6:        19th January 2024
  • Leavers Assembly on 23rd July 2024


In addition, Year 6 will be performing in an End of Year Production on 17th July 2024 at 7pm.

Year 6 Trips and Events


Year 6 will be visiting the Imperial War Museum on Wednesday 22nd November 2023

Year 6 will be visiting the Reading Victorian Schoolrooms on Wednesday 6th March 2024

Scopay School Shop