Happy Summer Holidays! πŸŽ‰ Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
Home Page

Year 1

Welcome to our Year 1 page where you can find out more about what is happening in our class.


Year 1 has PE on Mondays and swimming on Thursdays.


If you have any questions or would like to contact the class team please email or call the school office on 01252 328589 to leave a message. Alternatively, you can fill in the contact form.

Summer 2- Rio da Vida 

Project homework is due in by Friday July 5th

  • Design and create your own bright and colourful carnival outfit. Use old clothes, unwanted fabrics and any other fabulous decorations such as feathers or sequins.
  • Make a carnival mask or head dress. 
  • Find out about some more of Brazil’s exotic birds and animals. Are any endangered? What does this mean? Draw some of these animals and write their names. Talk about why they are endangered.
  • Design your own carnival float. What characters, animals or decorations would you choose? Make a labelled drawing of your float using lots of vibrant colours!
  • Imagine you are on holiday in Rio during the carnival. Write a postcard to a friend telling them all about the sights and sounds you have experienced. Draw a Rio scene on the front of your postcard.
  • Find Brazil is on a world map or globe and show your family. Point out the Equator and explain to them how this affects the weather in Brazil. Which countries are closest to Brazil?
  • Find out about the weather and climate in Brazil. Write a weather forecast.
  • Write an acrostic poem for C A R N I V A L
  • Make a carnival float using junk modelling. Decorate using feathers, glitter and bright colours.
  • Make your own musical instrument.




Our Class Novels

Little Wandle is our phonics scheme.  Here is the link to explore more of what this looks like for your child.

School Council

School Councillor - Samuel

Class Reps:  Evie and Dax

Charity: Water Aid (Donate here)

Eco Councillors: Oliver and Roxie

Class Assembly Dates

Here are the dates for our class sharing assemblies this year, we hope you will come and join us at 9am in the hall.

  • 13th October 2023
  • 9th February 2024
  • 10th May 2024


Year 1 also take part in the Nativity Performances on 13th December 2023

Year 1 Trips and Events:

  • Natural History Museum- Thursday 30th November
Scopay School Shop