Happy Summer Holidays! πŸŽ‰ Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
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Year 5 Gallery of Learning

Welcome to Year 5!

Please have a look at what we have been doing this year.

Scream Machine!

We have had a very very busy half term! We have had lots of fun at Kid's Day Out, Wisley Gardens, watching Bugsy Malone and taster days at Ash Manor. Some of Year 5 also attended Horseshoe Lake.  We have enjoyed learning about forces, designing and cooking burgers and external computer programming. 


Year 5 have accomplished so much this year and I hope you enjoy looking through the photos and all the fun memories of a wonderful year!

Our Burgers!

Scream Machine! Summer 2

We started our topic with experiencing different types of rollercoasters in Florida and designed our own theme parks. In this topic, we will be learning about different forces. In computing, we will use a program called Crumble to code devices. In DT, we are designing and cooking our own healthier theme park snack.  In RE we are looking at a thematic unit titled, 'What makes a good life?'. 

Pharaoh! Summer 1

What an exciting half term we have had! We have really enjoyed learning about Ancient Egypt and what life was like thousands of years ago. We have looked into the mystery of the pyramids, researched important figures such as Tutankhamun and Hatshepsut. In geography, we have researched the River Nile and the Aswan Dam. In computing, we have designed and created a quiz using coding on scratch. In art this half term, we have looked at Egyptian frescos and hieroglyphics. What a great time we have had!


We have flown the children to Cairo! It was a long flight with some unexpected turbulence but Year 5 made it safely to Cairo airport, thanks to Captain Cox who flew Ash Grange Airways. We spent our first day looking at hieroglyphics, where Egypt is and when the Ancient Egyptian era was. We have had a look at our class novel: An Egyptian Princess, a story of Hatshepsut and her journey to becoming a pharaoh. We will be looking at the frescos (artwork) on the walls of the Egyptian tombs. We are really looking forward to exploring this topic. 

Beast Creator

We have really enjoyed this topic!  We have built our own bug hotels and made sure that the mini beasts had a cosy home to live in. We have written our own explanation texts about life cycles, as well as learn about life cycles of living things. We have looked at the Christian idea of 'rescue' and 'salvation' and how that relates to the Easter story. In music, we prepared and performed a piece of music. In geography, we looked at the local area and evidence of human impact. We have had a very busy half term!

Spring 2: Beast Creator

We have had an amazing WOW day today! We have been on mini beast hunts and discovered many mini beasts including frogspawn and quite a few frogs! We have painted our own 'What I know' butterflies and looked at animal classifications. We have finished the day with creating bug hotel prototypes and presenting them to the class. We are really excited about this topic!

Bug hunt

What we know butterflies.

Classifications of living things.

Spring 1: Alchemy Island

What a fun topic this has been! We have been very busy learning about our Earth and how tectonic plates affect the world around us. We have carried out experiments in science and created marvelous sculptures in art. We have enjoyed writing fantasy stories based on The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe and creating volcano reports and poems. Year 5 should be very proud of their hard work in maths lessons too. We have enjoyed our journey to Alchemy Island.  

Look at our amazing Alchemy Island sculptures!


Our science topic has been very exciting! We have investigated changes to materials and looked at what changes are reversible and what changes are irreversible. We made lots of mess looking at materials that do and do not dissolve. We answered what does soluble mean and what the difference is between a chemical and a physical reaction. 

Our project pictures

Spring 1: Alchemy Island

This half term we will be immersing ourselves in alchemy, fantasy lands as well as learning about natural disasters around the world. We launched our topic by listening to the Alchemist's apprentice's riddle and looked at fantasy and magical islands. We have started designing and making our own fantasy island, which will lead to us building our own Alchemy Island! We have launched our class novel: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. An exciting start to 2024!

Alchemy Islands

Stargazers Autumn 2


We have really enjoyed this topic. We have learnt all about the Earth and Space. We have created and edited our own informative videos about Space. We have also created planets in DT and paintings of space in art lessons. Our science lessons have been focused on learning about the Solar System and we have even learnt the names of the planets in French! 

Our Stargazers Projects

DT Planets


Our topic this half term is all about Earth and space. We started our topic with looking at lots of space books and researching different planets. We created our own planet posters. Using all of this information, we created a human solar system and had a go at orbiting the sun! We had a lovely art lesson creating our own space paintings or pastel pictures. 


Our class novel is called The Secret Breakers by H.L Dennis. This is the first book in a series of 7 books. Have a look at HL Dennis's website to find out more about the series.

HL Dennis website

Hampton Court Palace

We had an amazing time at Hampton Court Palace. We were able to view the Great Hall, The Tudor kitchens and investigate Tudor life. We enjoyed our lunch in the gardens and we even had a go at Henry VIII's maze challenge. 

Autumn 1: Off With Her Head!


This half term we will be learning about The Tudors. We have launched our topic by looking at Tudor artefacts and Tudor artists. We have started reading our class novel called Diver's Daughter by Patrice Lawrence. 

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