Week Beginning 27th January: 27th January - Reception NCMP and Health Screening. 31st January - Year 2 Assembly
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Year 5 Gallery of Learning

Welcome to Year 5!

Please have a look at what we have been doing this year.

Spring 1: Alchemy Island

We have made a great start on this exciting topic! Year 5 have created their own Alchemy Island treasure maps. We have also begun designing our own islands. We had great fun with the soft clay creating prototypes for our design. We have launched the class novel: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. In geography, we have started looking at plate tectonics and what causes earthquakes and why volcanoes exist on our planet. Year 5 are all excited about the experiments we will be conducting in science and what this topic will bring! 

Alchemy Island Plans

Treasure Maps

Stargazers: Autumn 2

What an amazing topic this has been! We have explored Space with VR headsets, which enabled us to explore what it is like on Mars and the Moon. We have created our own moving planets in DT. In science, we have learnt about the Earth and Space. In computing, we have made our own moon documentaries. We have also learnt about 'Le systeme solaire' in French. We have enjoyed learning about space and beyond!


We have started our new space topic. We have researched different parts of the solar system and then created our own human solar system in the playground. We have started acrylic space paintings. We are learning about space pioneers in history. In science, we will be investigating the solar system. We have launched our class novel: The Secret Breakers by H.L Dennis. We are looking forward to a cosmic experience this half term!

Adding finishing touches to our pictures.

Off With Her Head!


We have really enjoyed this topic. We have learnt all about The Tudors and their reign. We have sampled Tudor style food, the honey and cinnamon tart was quite popular! Sadly, the ginger poached pears were not quite so popular but at least everyone had a go. In English, we have just finished the Grammarsaurus unit and we have written about Hampton Court Palace, Henry VIII and life in Tudor times. In French, we have been writing descriptions. In science, we have learnt about life processes and gestation periods. 

We have completed a lot of art this half term including batik, sketching and painting. I hope you all enjoyed seeing the artwork on display! We have enjoyed sharing the wonderful projects. It has been a fantastic start to Year 5!

Take One Picture Exhibition

Take One Picture

We are all so proud of all the children and the effort they have put into the take one picture project. We were all delighted with the results and we look forward to hearing the feedback from the National Gallery. We hope you all enjoyed viewing your child's art work. What superstars they are!

Hampton Court Palace

On Thursday 26th September, Year 5 had a wonderful day at Hampton Court Palace. We were able to immerse ourselves in Tudor life and walk through Henry VIII's apartments, the Tudor kitchens and view the Tudor exhibit. We also managed to have a look at some of the gardens. Although the weather was challenging at times, we all had an amazing time! All of the children managed to find all of the secret items on the scavenger hunt. We even saw Henry VIII wandering around! 

Off With Her Head!

We started our topic with a very important task set by King Henry VIII. We were tasked with finding an artist to work with Hans Holbein to become the new royal artist. Year 5 spent the afternoon looking at the style of Hans Holbein and learning how to draw portraits. We have started our class novel: Diver's Daughter by Patrice Lawrence. We are looking forward to exploring Tudor artefacts next week and learning more about life during Tudor times. 

Tudor artefacts and War of The Roses

Scopay School Shop