Happy Half Term! Enjoy your break and see you back on 25th February 2025.
Home Page

Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 page where you can find out more about what is happening in our class.


Year 2 has PE on Mondays and Thursdays



If you have any questions or would like to contact the class team please email year2teacher@ash-grange.surrey.sch.ukor call the school office on 01252 328589 to leave a message. Alternatively you can fill in the contact form.

Our Class Novels

Half Term Project Details and Homework Ideas   

Our new topic is MUCK, MESS & MIXTURES

The new projects run for the second half of the Spring term until Friday 28th March.  Homework contributions can be made throughout the half term, please make sure your child brings in something that they have worked on  at home.  

Below are some ideas for each project, try one of these or something else project related. 

  • We are reading George’s Marvellous Medicine this half term. You could cook something with a grown-up and create a picture record of what you have done... Perhaps you could try one of Roald Dahl’s revolting recipes? Or create your own crazy medicine?

  • Can you create a science experiment? E.g. Set up a melting experiment. Take two or three glasses and fill them with the same number of ice cubes. Put them in different places and see which melts first. Do the ice cubes melt faster if you stir them? Present your investigation to the class!  

  • Write a poem with the title ‘Muck, Mess and Mixtures’. Include some exciting adjectives and read it aloud to the class.  

  • Create a piece of art - we will be learning about Jackson Pollock and creating a painting in a similar style. Why not create a painting or collage using lots of different colours or use different materials/mixtures.

  • In art lessons we will be making a clay pot - at home you could use playdough or plasticine to create something.

  • In PSHE this half term, we are learning about how to keep ourselves safe.  With a grown up, you could create an ‘Keep Safe’ leaflet. 

  • In RE we will visiting two churches and learning about the importance of prayer - if you enjoy writing you could write your own prayer or thought. 

Little Wandle is our phonics scheme.  Here is the link to explore more of what this looks like for your child.

School Council

School Councillor - 

Class Reps - 

Charity - Refugee Action (Donate here)

Class Assembly Dates

Here are the dates for our class sharing assemblies this year, we hope you will come and join us at 9am in the hall.

  • Friday 27th September 2024
  • Friday 31st January 2025
  • Friday 9th May 2025


Year 2 also perform the Nativity Performances on 18th and 19th December 2024

Class Trips and Events

Year 2 will be visiting the following:

  • Ash Museum 5th November
  • Ash Library 28th November
  • Guildford Castle Grounds and Church visit 20th March
  • West Wittering 25th June 2025
Scopay School Shop