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Governor Allowances Policy

Date accepted by Governors: Spring 2022

Review date: Spring 2025



The governing board has decided to pay reasonable allowances from the school’s delegated budget to cover any costs that board members incur through carrying out their duties, in line with government guidelines.  By adopting this policy, we will ensure that no member of the community is prevented from becoming a governor on the grounds of cost.


This policy sets out the terms on which such allowances will be paid.



The Governance Handbook (section 4.6.1, paragraph 50) allows boards in maintained schools with a delegated budget to choose whether or not to pay allowances to board members. Where they choose to do so, it must be in accordance with a policy or scheme.


The legislation on governors’ allowances is set out in the School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013, part 6



Members of the governing board may claim allowances to cover expenditure necessary to enable them to perform their duties. This does not include an attendance allowance, or payment to cover loss of earnings. 

Subject to prior approval from the Governing Body, governors are entitled to claim for the following, up to a maximum of £30 per item, provided that the costs are incurred in carrying out their duties as a governor or representative of Ash Grange Primary School:


  • Childcare or baby-sitting allowances (excluding payments to a current/former spouse or partner)
  • Cost of care arrangements for an elderly or dependent relative (excluding payments to a current/former spouse or partner)
  • Extra costs incurred in performing their duties either because they have special needs or English as an additional language
  • The cost of travel relating only to travel to meetings/training courses at the current local authority agreed rate
  • Travel and subsistence costs, payable at the current rates specified by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, associated with attending national meetings or training events, unless these costs can be claimed from the LA or any other source
  • Telephone charges, photocopying, stationery, postage etc
  • Any other justifiable allowances


Governors wishing to make claims under these arrangements, should complete a claims form (see Appendix 1) attaching receipts where possible, and return it to the School within two weeks of the date when the allowances were incurred, when they will be submitted for approval by the Chair of Governors.


If a cost exceeds the maximum of £30 then the agreement of the Chair of Governors must be sought prior to the event.  The Chair will then inform the Chair of the Resources Committee who will inform the committee at the next committee meeting.


In addition, Governors may utilise at no cost to themselves the use of Funzone for breakfast and afterschool care for their own children for any meeting or monitoring commitments.  This must be booked by the Governor in advance.



The Resources Committee will monitor the Governor Allowance cost centre as part of the termly Financial Monitoring Review.


The chair of governors (or the vice-chair, where appropriate) may investigate claims that appear excessive or inconsistent. All claims will be subject to an independent audit.


Travel expenses where a governor uses their own vehicle must not exceed the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) approved mileage rates (see appendix 2).



All governors are entitled to receive allowances in accordance with this policy.


Mental Health and Wellbeing Statement

The school has an established culture that promotes and enhances the positive mental health of the whole school community, recognising that healthy relationships underpin positive mental health and have a significant impact on learning, health and wellbeing. We champion the expectation that ‘mental health is the individual’s responsibility supported by the whole school community.’


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