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Home School Partnership Agreement

                                      Home School Partnership Agreement 2023-24

As a member of our school community, you are committing to the following home/school agreement:


Core Values: We Care, We Learn, We Shine

Our aims that underpin all we do:

  • Enriched learning experiences that will broaden children’s knowledge and understanding of the world.
  • The development of effective communications and language skills so that children can be confident and powerful communicators.
  • The development of physical, mental and emotional health.
  • The development of respect for self, others and the wider world.



The School Staff will:

  • Communicate with respect, within normal working hours.
  • Deliver a curriculum that meets national expectations, our aims and ethos to enable all children to achieve their potential.
  • Provide enrichment experiences and opportunities.
  • Inform parents of the progress and attainment of their individual children and contact them if there are any concerns.
  • Encourage all children to do their best at all times and provide additional support and nurture when necessary.
  • Communicate all necessary information to parents via email, Marvellous Me, Website, by phone or in person.
  • Respond to parent communications within 2 working days.
  • Uphold the school policies and guidelines.

 Not use social media in a way that could cause any offence to the school its staff and its pupils or the wider school community.

  • Support the school’s approach to online safety and will not upload, share or add any pictures video or text that could upset, offend or threaten the safety of any member of the school community.

As a Parent/carer I will: 

  • Communicate with respect, within normal working hours.
  • Make sure my child arrives and is collected on time.
  • Ensure my child attends Nursery/School unless they are too poorly to learn.
  • Make sure my child wears full uniform, and bring the equipment they need for the day.
  • Attend parent teacher meetings and take part in other school activities that involve my child e.g., assembly, class exhibitions, productions, etc. (where work and family commitments allow)
  • Ensure that my child is supported to complete homework tasks.
  • Support the policy on attendance, ensuring that family holidays and appointments are not taken during term time.
  • Respect the decisions of staff as they uphold the school’s policy and guidelines.
  • Let the school know about any changes, problems or concerns that might affect my child's work behaviour or happiness.
  • Hand my phone to the office team before entering the school or nursery.
  • Not use social media in a way that could cause any offence to the school its staff and its pupils or the wider school community.
  • Support the school’s approach to online safety and will not upload, share or add any pictures video or text that could upset, offend or threaten the safety of any member of the school community.
  • Be an active member of our school community, sharing ideas and supporting continuous improvement.
  • Engage with the school communication systems e.g., email, Marvellous Me, Calendar on website, Wider website areas.


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