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Pupil Health and Medicines


First aid equipment is kept throughout the school, (there is a defibrillator on site) and all staff are trained in basic First Aid Procedures. It is crucial that the office team is informed of up to date home and/or work telephone numbers, or alternative methods for contacting you should the occasion arise (confidentiality with respect to ex-directory numbers will always be maintained). If your child becomes sick or unwell we do our best to contact you immediately. In the event of an accident we will contact the emergency services and next of kin. If an injury has required medical treatment, beyond a wash and check, then parents are informed through the Medical Tracker electronic communication system.

Head injuries

Thankfully most bangs to the head are harmless and can be dealt with by a supervising adult by applying a cold compress (wet tissue or cloth)/cold pack for the child’s own comfort. Under no circumstances should ice packs be applied to head bumps. All head bumps are recorded on Medical Tracker and Parent/Carers are also informed by telephone.


Head lice (nits)

As with many other social situations where children play closely together, it is likely in school for head lice to transfer from child to child. Remember, head lice actually prefer clean hair, so the possibility of infection is absolutely no reflection on a family’s standard of hygiene. If your child is seen to have head lice the school will expect them to be collected and the infection treated before returning to school. If you require any advice or support please ask the office.


Staff are not permitted to administer medication to a child except in life-threatening circumstances.

If a child is so unwell that medication is required, then they must be kept at home until fit to return.


In exceptional circumstances parents can arrange for medicines to be taken under supervision by agreement of the Headteacher. Parents must provide written permission and instructions and deliver the medication in dosage containers. The child must be able to take their own medication in the school office under the supervision of a member of staff. If a child has a medical condition that may require emergency medication, parents must provide this medication which will be kept in the class medication bag with the class at all times. Medication is always taken on a trip. 


Parents are responsible for ensuring the medicine is in date at all times.

You can download a copy of the Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and other Childcare Settings from the Public Health England website.

This includes details of how long children should be kept away for various illness and infectious conditions.


Children are encouraged to use the toilet facilities at breaktimes. 

Nursery 1 children who are not yet toilet trained are expected to bring nappies for changes as required. 

Nursery 2 children are expected to be toilet trained and need extra clothes in case of accidents.  Until a child is toilet trained and not having daily accidents they cannot attend full time.

Reception Class children are expected to be toilet trained and need extra clothes in case of accidents.  Until a child is toilet trained and not having daily accidents they cannot attend full time.


ERIC - An external website that provides information and advice around toilet training.

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