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Children who went to Oakwood residential

Dear Parent/Carers of children who went to the Oakwood residential,

We took a huge amount of lovely pictures on the trip and wanted to share them with you but we can't separate them as children are sometimes in groups so we have a proposal.  We would like to put them in a shared file which is password protected and only those with the password can access the files.  To do this we need all parents to be willing to share their child's images with other parents and an agreement that no image can be placed on any other platform or sent to anyone else that has a child not from your family in it.  Without everyone's agreement we will be unable to share any of the images as the task of separating images is too great.


We respect everyone's right to choose and so if you do not want to agree to these terms please reply to this email by Tuesday 7th May.

Kind regards,

Mrs Curtis


Mrs Marie Curtis


Scopay School Shop