Happy Summer Holidays! πŸŽ‰ Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
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Half Term

Dear Parents/Carers,

Happy half term to you all. We have enjoyed a wonderful half term of learning and experiences, thank you for your support and partnership.  I hope our new families have felt welcomed and now feel very much part of Ash Grange.

Our Year 3 finished the half term with a delightful Harvest Assembly to teach us all about Harvest, Farming, Climate Change and a Greek Myth, a fantastic performance. Well done Year 3.

Thank you to everyone for your kind food donations for the Farnham Food Bank, they collected the 12 shopping bags of food and a donation of £187.50; your generosity is so appreciated.

Half term is for the next week, we return to nursery and school on Monday 30th October

Please note as published we have an INSET day for staff training on Friday 24th November when Ash Grange is closed for pupils.

Some key events to be aware of next half term:

- Year 6 parents you need to apply for your child’s Secondary School place by October 31st 2023.

- 7.11.23 Parent Council Meeting 9am online, we do have some vacancies

- Week of 13.11.23 – Anti-Bullying Week – lots of learning to help children understand this important issue

- Mufti Day for Children in Need 17th November – children wear pyjamas and make a £2 donation to Children in Need charity.

On behalf of the staff, we hope you have a lovely week.

Kind regards,

Mrs Curtis


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