Happy Summer Holidays! πŸŽ‰ Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
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Happy Christmas Holidays

Dear All,
What a wonderful build up to Christmas we have enjoyed with Nativity Performances, Choir performances,  Sing-a-longs, Christmas Lunch, Carol Concert, Discos, Present swaps by classes, kind gifts for Key Stage 2 from Dunhelm customers in Farnborough and fun galore in the classrooms.  Thank you for your support with learning songs and lines.  On behalf of the staff of Ash Grange may we wish you all a wonderful Christmas holiday, a time of love, kindness and joy to all.  Thank you for all your kind wishes and generous gifts.
See everyone on Wednesday 3rd January 2024.
Kind regards,
Mrs Curtis

Scopay School Shop