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Horseshoe Lake 2024

Dear Parents & Carers,

We have organised an additional experience trip to Horseshoe Lake for up to 55 children in KS2 on Tuesday, 9th July 2024.

This is a water sports activity day which will include Stand-up Paddle Boarding, Kayaking, Raft Building and Dragon Boating. This is a fantastic day out, giving the children an introduction to the thrills and excitement of water sports activities.


Your child must be 8 years old (before 1st July 2024) and very water confident to attend.


This is a full day trip; we will be travelling by coach to Horseshoe Lake, leaving school at 8.55 am and will then return to Ash Grange at approximately 5.15 pm.


Your child will need a packed lunch and lots of drinks for the whole day; carried in a backpack. Only children entitled to free school meals can have a lunch provided for them by the kitchen.

Extra snacks for the morning and afternoon break times are highly recommended.


We have worked out the approximate cost on the minimum number of children required to run the trip, which is 35.

The approximate cost per child is £67.15 this figure will, of course, decrease if we have more than 35 children participating.

The price includes all activities led by the Centre staff and coach travel to and from the Centre.


If you would like to secure a place for your child, please complete this form and pay your deposit of £20.00 on Scopay under trips, KS2 Horseshoe Lake 2024, no later than Wednesday 6th December 2023.

After this date, you will not be able to book your child a place.  We have a maximum of 55 spaces, and places will go on a first come, first serve basis.


If we do not get the minimum number of take up required to make the trip viable, which is 35, all deposits paid will be returned. 



Yours faithfully


Mrs M Curtis


Head Teacher

Scopay School Shop