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Mr Mayne Yr 4 Newsletter for parents

Newsletter: Y4

Dear all,


The class have made a great start to the Together We Achieve programme. They have been taking part in a multitude of fun activities that promote confidence and resilience. Each session has a theme such as problem-solving, teamwork and persevering, and the children have started to develop their characters in their own unique way.


Year 4 write down and share their thoughts and what they do well during the session in their notebooks – which they get to keep. I explain how important it is to be resilient all the time and to believe in themselves.


A highlight for me was the children’s attitude and effort towards the Endurance Session, which had a variety of military style exercises, including tug of war.


For the rest of the term, we continue with the activities before learning first aid skills in January and more games!


Best wishes,

Mr Mayne


                        The Mayne Trainer

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