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Music Lesson reminder starting 24th April 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

I shared with the children today about the new music lessons, the children were really excited.  We have 3 children signed up, if you would like your child to benefit from these please book on this week so lessons can begin next week 24.4.24.

  1. Singing Lessons.

    Your child can have a group lesson with a small group of between 3 and 5 children


    an individual lesson with the teacher.


    The costs are £9.10 per week if in a group and £16.10 per week if one to one.


    If your child has Free School Meals or is a Young Carer there is no cost for a group lesson and a reduced cost of £2.80 per individual lesson with the teacher.


    These will happen during the school day on a Wednesday each week.


    If you would like to sign your child up for this, please follow this link



  2. Drumming Lesson

There is one space for an individual lesson with the teacher.


The costs is £16.10 per week.


If your child has Free School Meals or is a Young Carer there is a reduced cost of £2.80 per lesson.


If you would like to sign your child up for this, please follow this link


Kind regards,
Mrs Curtis

Scopay School Shop