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Music Opportunities

Dear Parents/Carers,
Musical Opportunities at Ash Grange - We have a wide range of musical experiences for the children to enjoy and through which they develop their musical skills over their years at Ash Grange.

Lessons with their Class Teacher enables them to sing, compose, perform using the extensive collection of instruments we have in our dedicated music room.

Assemblies  have a singing element every week so the children memorise songs and sing for pleasure.  Every fortnight the children have pieces of music to appreciate, to build their understanding of genres and learn about different styles of music.

Surrey Arts provide our individual music lessons and ensembles:

Surrey Arts: The start of a musical journey

Everyday we hear music through our phones, or on radio, television, film, social media, advertising or gaming. Apart from the many benefits of learning to play an instrument - such as having a positive effect on all aspects of a child’s learning - it can create amazing opportunities and be an exciting journey leading to a variety of careers. Inspiration to learn can come from hearing a piece of music, seeing someone perform or even finding an instrument in a school cupboard.


Surrey Arts have helped to start the journeys of thousands of young people for over 50 years and teach in schools and music centres across the county. We help young people to develop their playing skills, express themselves and create music.


We are passionate about ensuring all young people can benefit from learning to play an instrument, so we provide a range of support such as;


  • Enabling families to pay for lessons and activities in instalments to spread the cost
  • Providing concessions available for families on low incomes, Looked After Children and Surrey Young Carers to help support costs.
  • Link with a number of local charitable trusts which offer financial support to encourage young people to learn music.
  • Providing low cost instrument hire, and free hire to those on a concession.  


In addition to lessons, there are also other opportunities to play and develop skills in one of Surrey Arts’ 40 ensembles which cater for all different abilities and instruments all over the county.


In a recent survey comments from customers were very complimentary about the quality of service Surrey Arts provides:


  • ‘The teachers are really enthusiastic, patient and friendly and obviously inspired by sharing their musical skills with others. My son looks forward to his lessons every week. Thank you!’

·         ‘Lessons are fun, inspiring, varied, encompass a wide range of music, are well organised & carefully structured, are tailored to each child’s ability and interest.’ 

·         ‘Amazing teacher - really well organised and wonderful service.’


Children have the opportunity to sign up for brass (trumpet, trombone and French horn), wind (flute, clarinet and saxophone), drums and guitar with Surrey Arts. These lessons will take place within the school day and there is also the facility to loan instruments from Surrey Arts to enable children to practise their new skills at home.


Year 3 Enrichment

When children are in Year 3 they participate in a Tune Up programme, a chance to really master musical instruments, composing and performing.  This is a weekly lesson for 10 weeks of each term with a specialist teacher from Surrey Arts that the school provides.  Lessons begin this year at the end of September.



This is a weekly club that all can join from Year 2 upwards, we learn songs to perform to the school and local community.  We run a school choir every year in preparation for Christmas events, but this year we will be running it throughout the autumn term so we can widen our repertoire and share more of the children’s talents. The weekly club will run on at lunchtime and the children will be told all about it next week.



We organise experts to come and share their music with the children in assemblies and in workshops linked to projects, last year we had Rock Bands and Drumming workshops that we all enjoyed. 


If you know of any musical groups, or are part of any musical groups or play a musical instrument  and would be willing to come and share this experience with the children, please let me know. 


Our Music Leader this year is Miss Cherrington, with my support in the autumn term as she settles into Ash Grange. Please ask us If you have any music questions.


Kindest regards,


Mrs Curtis



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