Happy Summer Holidays! πŸŽ‰ Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
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News update

Dear Parents/Carers,
A couple of reminders for this week:

1. There is a workshop for parents/carers on Thursday which is a wonderful chance to share and discuss ways to support homelife to bring more harmony. We will be exploring the model of PACE and Love Languages which are great tools to know about.  The workshops runs twice in the day 1.30-3pm and 7-8.30pm, if you would like to come then let the office or me know.

2. Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Rags 2 Riches campaign, this is where unwanted clothes, bags, etc... are donated to Ukraine and we receive 50p per kilo for our fundraising for the wet playtime boxes in classes  If you have not bought your items in yet please make sure they are here by the end of school on Friday as they are being collected next Monday (27th November).
If you are unsure about what can go into the bags - follow this link.  If you have not used the bag, please return it to school for reusing in the future.
We will have a collection each term so keep items in between the collection dates.

Thank you for your kind donations to Children in Need, we raised a whopping £419! So kind.
Kind regards, 

Mrs Curtis

Scopay School Shop