Happy Summer Holidays! πŸŽ‰ Enjoy your break and see you back on Wednesday, 4th of September 2024.
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Rock Steady Rock and Pop - another music opportunity

Dear Parents/Carers,
I am sure the children told you all about our fantastic visitor James who came from Rock Stead Music School yesterday.  The children enjoyed making a band and children and staff had a wonderful time.  If you would like your child to enjoy a band lesson on a Wednesday morning, then follow this link
Group lessons are £40 a month per child, which is £10 a week, which is billed directly by the company.  There are discounted lessons of £5 each week (£20 a month) for any child who is Free School Meal, Young Carer, Pupil Premium of PLAC - you will be billed by the school.  You apply online through the portal and lessons are starting next Wednesday.    The children are organised into band groups of mixed ages over 3 school years; e.g. YR to Y2, Y1-Y3, Y4-6
If you have any questions please let me know.
Kind regards,
Mrs Curtis

Scopay School Shop