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Safer Internet Day Tuesday 6th February 2024.

Dear Families, 


Safer Internet Day this year is on Tuesday 6th February 2024. In our current digital world, this is a really important day, as part of our wider e-safety curriculum, in helping children learn to use the internet safely. We will be celebrating this year's theme 'Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online' in school with an assembly, stories and a computing lesson.


To continue this crucial conversation at home, I am delighted to be able to offer you a free workshop with parenting expert Sue Atkins, through our technology provider, Eduthing. On the evening of Tuesday 6th February at 7pm, Sue Atkins will be running a free Zoom workshop called Navigating the Digital Landscape: Empowering Parents for Online Safety Across Different Ages. She will cover proactive strategies, practical tools and techniques for managing children's internet use, as well as guidance on how to start the conversation around safe use of technology. There will also be a Q and A session. 


You can attend on any device, from anywhere, and it is free to sign up through the QR code on the attached flyer or on this link: 


For more information, please see the attached flyer.


Kind regards

Mrs Irlam

Scopay School Shop