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Scarlet Fever

Dear Parent/Carer, 


We have been informed today of two pupils who have confirmed cases of scarlet fever. Within the past 10 days we have been informed of one other confirmed case. Following Public Health Authority guidelines we are now obliged to inform them of the current and any future confirmed cases..

Although scarlet fever is usually a mild illness, it should be treated with antibiotics to reduce the risk of complications and the spread to others. Children may return to school 24 hours after taking antibiotics if they are well enough.  

Please see some of the common symptoms:
A sore throat, headache, fever, nausea and vomiting. This is followed by a fine, rash which typically first appears on the chest and stomach, rapidly spreading to other parts of the body. On white skin the rash looks pink or red. On brown and black skin it might be harder to see a change in colour, but you can still feel the sandpaper-like texture of the rash and see the raised bumps. The face can be flushed red but pale around the mouth


For more information on scarlet fever symptoms, diagnosis and treatment please follow the link below.
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