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Spelling Changes

Dear Parents/Carers, 


We have been reviewing the impact of our spelling programme (Spelling Book) on progress over the last 2 years and seen that the children are making progress but not rapid enough so we have sought an alternative and found Spelling Shed.


There is a full programme of teaching and learning that we will use in lessons over the school week and then there is a homework side to consolidate the learning from the week.   The homework is a game-based tool,  where children practise their spellings in a fun, interactive way.  From today this is part of their weekly homework provision to be completed between Friday and the following Thursday alongside Mathletics, Reading  and Times Tables Rockstars.


Your child will need to complete the games (between 5 and 8 depending on age) set by their teacher each week but can continue to play beyond this to earn points for their avatar! They can select the level of games to meet their need - but they will earn more points for more challenging levels!


Your child will given their login information and they can access Spelling Shed online here: The website can be accessed using a computer, phone or tablet. There is an optional app that can be purchased but this is not required. There is a parent guide linked.


At this point in the year Year 6 only, will have this as an optional extra (but highly beneficial), in addition to their existing spelling homework books. 


Thank you for supporting your child's learning at home. 


Mrs Phoebe Irlam

Year 4 Class Teacher / English and Computing Lead

Working days: Tuesday-Friday



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